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draculabakula t1_jae9r9a wrote

You can tell I am a Playstation player but I do think they prioritize this kind of content as well.

Uncharted 3 and 4/ metal gear Solid series/ shadow of the Colossus / spiderman and spiderman Miles Morales


OldDinosaurus t1_jaea57l wrote

Red Dead Redemption 1 and 2, Gears of War games, Mass Effect for me.


Crunchy_Red_Leaf t1_jaeafq6 wrote

Maybe Far Cry 5? Lots of different weapons and vehicles to play around with.


Sea-Brother-5281 t1_jaecr0c wrote

A lot of PlayStation exclusive games are basically those big dumb cheesy action movies in game form. If that’s what you’re going for I would recommend god of war ragnarok or uncharted 4 depending on if you want a shooter or a game where you fight with swords and melee type weapons


Rooty_Rootz t1_jaecsal wrote

The new Tomb Raider trilogy definitely feels cinematic


lonewits t1_jaeekv0 wrote

Sifu is basically a kung fu movie.