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t1_jaeanv1 wrote


Most 60-70 dollar games are barebones now.

The actual full release with all content has been hidden behind 120 bucks editions, including Macrotransactions.


t1_jaebxx5 wrote

... Is that not what I said?

Most AAA titles are $60 nowadays and have been for some time. Higher priced items come with optional items (aka what you get micro transactions).

I can certainly buy and play the newest Call of Duty for $60. It won't come with a bonus skin or the first season pass of content however.


t1_jaercsz wrote

"bonus" is a marketing word for game content that has been removed, only to sell it later in a 120 dollar edition.

See Ubisoft games. They literally introduced 5 different editions per game.


t1_jaes6u6 wrote

That's a lot of words to simply say, "Yes, that is exactly what you said."


t1_jaedrzi wrote

Please compare the runtime of a NES era game to the runtime of an Xbox 360 game and compare the adjusted price to dollars per hour of content. Go ahead and make that comparison.

I'll wait.
