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Darzanak t1_jab4zpy wrote

I know I skipped Atomic Heart because I just can’t support a pro-Russian company at this time. A lot of people I know feel the same way.


DOo000oo000m t1_jab69cl wrote

Imagine being this racist 😂


Firvulag t1_jab6kcw wrote

They are literally funded by a russian oligarch


DOo000oo000m t1_jab74gk wrote

Get over your woke self before this entire industry tanks


Firvulag t1_jab7u7q wrote

It's up to each of us to decide where to draw the line.

The industry will be fine either way.


Darzanak t1_jac7f6w wrote

Now we are woke for not wanting to support the next Hitler. Ha!


Alltwek t1_jab7f0n wrote

Since when is "Russian" a race? Do you even know the definition of the word? Lmao


DOo000oo000m t1_jab7gr2 wrote

Imagine being this dumb/ignorant


Alltwek t1_jab87eu wrote

I was thinking the same thing my guy.


DOo000oo000m t1_jabbjlf wrote

Lmao, bots will argue to the very end.

Remember folks, when you can question something, it's science. When you can't, it's propoganda ;)


Alltwek t1_jabcqm7 wrote

What on earth are you even talking about?


DOo000oo000m t1_jabcyj0 wrote

Remember folks, when you can question something, it's science. When you can't, it's propoganda ;)


Yo_Wats_Good t1_jabafmr wrote

Imagine dickriding Putler in 2023 while he's busy spreading Russia's cheeks for Ukraine and the West.

Putin could've allowed Russia to fade into obscurity or, you know, join the West but instead decided to damn the Russian people for generations to come.


DOo000oo000m t1_jabbkmd wrote

Remember folks, when you can question something, it's science. When you can't, it's propoganda ;)

Don't let the bots ruin the gaming industry


Yo_Wats_Good t1_jabc5fv wrote

I played in on Game Pass bc I found the arguments against the devs unconvincing and tenuous, particularly given how Russia treats their citizens who speak out. But I’m not going to decry the people who decided differently from me.

People aren’t bots btw, don’t be dismissive just because you need to construct an alternate reality in your head to feel special.


DOo000oo000m t1_jabckw5 wrote

Buddy, not everyone is bots.. but there's definitely alot of clues as to who is, and you'd be surprised how many there are. You should really question your reality if you believe everything you read online :).

When any opinion questions the mainstream opinion is downvoted to oblivion immediately, one assumes a narrative.

Is it really that fuckin outrageous to keep politics out of games?


Yo_Wats_Good t1_jabhet0 wrote

I think you mean “keep politics I disagree with out of games.”

Arguing with a conspiracy theorist is like shouting at a rock so I’m good here. Good luck man


DOo000oo000m t1_jabirn3 wrote

No, i think YOU mean that. I mean keep politics out period.