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GeorgeMyght t1_jacj0pf wrote

I don't like that. It's confusing. Shit like this killed the Wii U because people didn't realize it was a different console.

I don't like there being Xbox One, Xbox One S and Xbox One X or PS4 and PS4 Pro. It was fine when the only difference was making a system slimmer but when they have different system specs, that's an issue.

It makes people not wanna get the first version because they're afraid that an upgraded one will come out not long after they do.


temetnoscesax t1_jacjg6f wrote

So basically we will have console generations where only a few AAA games will be released during said gen. Some franchises might skip generations.


TreverKJ t1_jacjrbk wrote

Time to come to the dark side and just join us in PC land.


superman_squirts t1_jack3wt wrote

On the other hand it will drive down prices and scalping for older models, so if you don’t really care about top specs but still want to play exclusive titles you can without forking over a ton of money.


JesuszillaSon t1_jacka9z wrote

We are 3 years into the 9th generation and no way in hell are the PS5 and Xbox Series X consoles being pushed to their limits when more than half the games are still being released on old ass Xbox One and PS4 hardware


TangoHotel1993 t1_jacldmw wrote

What does the ‘like PC’s’ part mean? A new PC doesn’t come out every 3-4 years.


boersc t1_jacn46b wrote

Both parts of this title are wrong. There is no way a 3 year cycle will happen if a cycle isn't available for the first two years, and a pc doesn't have a 3 year cycle either.


justhereforsee t1_jacnvaa wrote

Lofl they couldn’t even get this model to the people that wanted it. Not to mention what this does to the devs.


GeorgeMyght t1_jacnyzo wrote

I want the system to carry the same specs through it's generation and then get replaced by the next generation like usual. At least the expansion pack for the Nintendo 64 didn't make you have to get another system.


mpop1 t1_jacq9og wrote

This probably will not happen, if I remember right the PS3/XBox360 generation lasted longer because of the resession was going on near the end of it. Well the worlds economy is in a worse state then it was back then. Between the delay on supply and the poor economy right now I very much doube that the PS5/Xbox Se X generation will be shorter.


gothpunkboy89 t1_jacqp3d wrote

Not going to happen. It will cause massive issues in development forcing a studio to try and bug fix and optimize a dozen different console types at once.


GeorgeMyght t1_jacr4il wrote

That's because of the chip shortage and scalpers and the current generation hard to get. They aren't going to screw themselves by making amazing games that people would just have to buy and put aside until they actually manage to get the mythical PS5 or Xbox Series consoles.


MachineCloudCreative t1_jacsa0t wrote

I'm sure they would if they could, but they might be hard-pressed to do so.

I quit buying gaming systems after Xbox 360. About 8 months back an associate of mine offered my wife and i a great deal on an Xbox One and I still said no. He ended up just giving it to us about a month back because he never could sell it.

I'm pissed I even spent $20 on older used games at Game Stop. Most games have seemingly been nerfed to hell in the name of getting people to either pay to play online, or half the in-game content is paid DLC. Co-op FPS campaigns hardly exist. Everything seems to be geared toward emptying customer wallets.

Games just aren't really that fun anymore.


isekai-coffee t1_jacsvhd wrote

the biggest issue is current hardware availability. how do these companies expect people to get on next gen when they couldnt even get the last gen? just like gpu's. eventually manufacturing will catch up, market will be flooded with hardware. in the mean time people will hold on to past gens longer bc its more available. eventually all those old games will run out.


superman_squirts t1_jacuslu wrote

Don’t deflect the question, your answer is “Yes, I want old hardware in my console”. You just feel entitled to having the best specs on a computer (aka console) and don’t want anyone else to have something better because you don’t want to spend money on it for yourself.


GeorgeMyght t1_jacvd4q wrote

I could be a child like you're being and say "Superman_squirts wants a world where we get the New New New Nintendo 3DS Series X!" but I choose not to.

Did you buy the 32x and the Sega CD attachments for your Sega Genesis? Are you bothered that there wasn't a slightly beefed up version of the SNES before the Nintendo 64 came around?


superman_squirts t1_jacwlll wrote

I’m not that one having a tantrum that wants to have his big boy toy and cries like a baby when someone has a better bigger toy.

And now you are using extreme arguments to prove a point you have no ground to stand on. But let’s go with your stupid argument… if a year later someone wants to buy the PS6 XXL+ Xtreme then sure, that’s fine by me. It’s only a problem if new games won’t play on the original , but that will never happen. Game designers aren’t going to produce titles that will only work on a fraction of a fraction of the market. You are just upset because you wouldn’t be able to run games on Ultra on a 5 year old system.


GeorgeMyght t1_jacxigg wrote

You're the one telling another person what they want and what they mean by what they say...but go on about the "tantrum" when you're the one who initiated aggression when we're only talking about video game consoles.


ReallyHighCloud t1_jacyxpv wrote

We're 3 years into Series X, people. Get ready for Series X 360 next year. Ya know, with all those "exclusive" next game games surely we're due for an upgrade next year. This is a stupid post lol


superman_squirts t1_jad03xm wrote

You haven’t actually denied anything I have said. By all means enlighten me as to any other reason you’d oppose the idea of being able to upgrade your console other than wanting to have a top of the line computer for 5 years without having to spend more money on it.

If new games would literally not function or be made for older versions, I’d agree with you. But that’s literally not the case, and if anything, going to an upgrading platform will extend the life of consoles. Having to buy a brand new one every 5 years doesn’t always guarantee backward compatibility. So you can just keep buying the new games for an older system with lower graphics.


GeorgeMyght t1_jad15bm wrote

Top of the line computers don't exist for long. Another better piece of hardware for it is always around the corner. It's part of why I don't do much PC gaming. Looking at specs and figuring out how well it'll run is a pain. Consoles are never "top of the line" since PCs will always be ahead of them... but before you knew a console game would run and run well rather than it being like "It RUNS on the OG but it's pretty janky. Get the newest version of the system and you won't have those performance issues."

I don't demand backwards compatibility. Nobody did until the PS2 happened. I don't make games or consoles so I have no idea how hard it is to make a system backwards compatible. I don't throw out old hardware so I'm not worried about that.


GeorgeMyght t1_jad1rxh wrote

They give a shit about a large user base. There's a reason so many games are "Series X/S optimized" and also play on Xbox One instead of just being Xbox Series X/S games and it's directly related to people going into stores and seeing video games but no systems to purchase.


superman_squirts t1_jad2znx wrote

The people responsible for a good gaming experience are the game designers, not the console developers. They would be incentivized to make sure the OG system plays just as well (albeit with less graphics) to maximize sales.

Games will still be optimized for the older system because there are plenty of people out there that either will choose not to, or simply couldn’t afford to buy a new one. Just how old computers still run new games without an issue, you just can’t max out the settings anymore.

And then when your console finally breaks or ages to the point where you want to experience top tier graphics again you can choose to buy an upgrade. Games are nearing the point where the diminishing returns of graphics Vs processing power aren’t noticeable enough for it to ruin the gaming experience, so buying each upgrade won’t even be necessary.


GeorgeMyght t1_jad440k wrote

That sounds like it would be really annoying for the people making the video games.

I don't have a PS5 of Xbox Series so I gotta the games have "make the graphics look better or worse" settings in the options the way PC games have for so long?

The diminishing returns and the fight against it are why it's stupid that Sony and Microsoft are willing to sell at a loss. Tons of games have meh graphics and sell insanely well. I say just make the system be whatever it is and leave it like that until you can affordably make a new system to take its place. Those who care so much about top tier visuals can enjoy the PC rat race.


superman_squirts t1_jad5em4 wrote

I haven’t seen an option for it because there isn’t a need for it, everything is optimized already. They wouldn’t even need to add it so long as the game could detect which system it is running on, which would be simple to accomplish. Games that can auto detect settings isn’t anything new anyway, and will probably be even more accurate because rather then working with a mishmash of parts they really only will need to work with a handful of different models.


ThePhonyOne t1_jadhljx wrote

Do you want your console games to be less optimized? Because this is how that happens. There's zero chance devs will optimize for multiple hardware specs in the same generation.


Eagle_Sudden t1_jadu34j wrote

Not to be a buzzkill, but what is the environmental impact of that? We’re gonna bake in planned obsolescence?


Eagle_Sudden t1_jadu3uf wrote

Not to be a buzzkill, but what is the environmental impact of that? We’re gonna bake in planned obsolescence?


Eagle_Sudden t1_jadu4p3 wrote

Not to be a buzzkill, but what is the environmental impact of that? We’re gonna bake in planned obsolescence?