Submitted by t3_11czgtu in gaming

I’m a 47 year old father of two (13 and 11). I haven’t had a console in probably 20+ years. I love gaming but with a wife, kids, and a job it’s not in the mix. I grew up with gaming (Colecovision was our first system, then the original Nintendo with the robot.).

The last system I had was a PlayStation of some kind back in probably 2001.

As I debate getting a real gaming system (we have a switch for the kids) what should I look at. I used to love first person shooters (like Call of Duty). Not sure how I feel about online play. Player Rocket League today with nephew on his XBOX.

Any thoughts?

Edit: used to love double dribble and bases loaded as well.



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t1_ja5w61y wrote

I'm a Sony guy myself, they have remarkable exclusives. Not big into online play myself really these days. I'm 45. Love single player games, those exclusives are mostly single player gems. Just my two cents on the matter though. 🙂


t1_ja5w92l wrote

Coming from a household that has an Xbox and Playstation, there isn't a significant difference save a few first party titles. Playstation tends to veer more towards 3rd person, "cinematic" games (God of War, The Last of Us, Horizon, etc.) while Xbox focuses a bit more on shooters like Halo/Gears. In terms of raw power, PS5 is the best. They both over subscription services that allow you to download and play from a large library of games, but, I've seen more praise for Xbox's gamepass (and use it myself sometimes).


t1_ja5we3t wrote

Are you asking recommendations for what consoles/games for you to play with your kids?


t1_ja5wj7t wrote

I would research the Xbox, and “Xbox Game Pass” which is in simplest terms, netflix but for games. You pay max $15 USD a month, and it lets you download games from a huge library. For that $15 a month price it’s also Not just for your Xbox but also pc games if it’s signed into same microsoft account.

Don’t hVe a good pc? Lol well that plan also comes with Xbox game streaming which basically means the game runs on a server somewhere else and you just send controller inputs online and it sends a video of the game back to you

There’s also cheaper plans if you don’t want the pc and game streaming version.

You can see the full library of games available before you sign up. So you can see if there’s enough stuff on there that peeks your interest


t1_ja5wo69 wrote

I second the Sony Playstation. That's just where I jumped in and spent money in the play store.

Any console is great and hopefully the current gen if you can get it. I do like most of the Sony exclusive stuff but If I had an Xbox console I am sure I would be happy just the same. I will game on whatever I can get my hands on.


OP t1_ja5x4cd wrote

Consoles. I figure my kids will figure out what they want to play once I get one. If I get one. I could see myself also playing to the point of my wife leaving me. I used to play the original world of Warcraft on a 4 person lan in college (late 90s) we’d play until 4 am. I could easily see myself having to budget my screen time.


t1_ja5x7ie wrote

The usual suspects. Lol. The Last of us 1 and 2, Horizon zero dawn, and Horizon forbidden west, Ghost of Tsushima highly recommend! Nioh 1 and 2 are both fun fast paced fighting games with am awesome combat system. Demon souls remake for ps5 is absolutely stunning to look at. Those are my top dogs for sure.


t1_ja5xeu5 wrote

Well, there's always PC gaming. It gets most non-nintendo games eventually.

If not, there's the switch which gets a lot of the games on the other systems but not all. It's also got the nintendo exclusives. And you can bring it with you on the go.

Sports games have changed and frankly I'd avoid anything related to EA. Kids might not like sports games either so if they are going to be sharing the console, keep their tastes in mind.


t1_ja5xzyo wrote

Well, I'm a lot closer to your age than your kids (34), but when I was their age I was just starting to get into more 'complex' computer games like RTS/RPG genres. I got my dad into some games like Stonghold and Star Wars Battlegrounds (AoE Spinoff), and we would LAN Party at home sometimes which was a cool bonding thing. He helped me build my first couple gaming PCs and then later I would build on my own and give him the "outdated" one lol.

I had older brothers and started playing games at a VERY young age (DOS, Windows 3.1/95/98).

Anyways... I currently run Xbox series X and Linux PC. Both recent, was on PS4 before that. Best recommendation would be to do a PC build project with them and let them use it for gaming and to learn, but if that's not in your budget I get it. Second up, I'd probably go Xbox with Game Pass ($15/mo). I get bored with game pass sometimes but there is usually a decent rotation of stuff to play for all ages.


t1_ja5znby wrote

PlayStation 5.

I'm not into online games as well, but for me I'm a Sony guy here because I grew up playing PlayStation exclusives and I think it's better than Xbox exclusive games.

Since you like First Person Shooters, maybe you would like Doom (2016) and Doom Eternal.


t1_ja5zspi wrote

Strictly single player?

God Of War

God of War: Ragnarok

Amazing stories there.

Skyrim is well Skyrim fucking love that game.

No Man's Sky Strictly sit back and chill gaming.

Uncharted series... All of them i loved single player.

Co-op Tom Clancy Breakpoint and Wildlands Love them both super fun with an online buddy running the loudest stealth missions evar.

The Division 1 and 2 titles were good. Too looty and gear dependant for my taste but fun none the less.

Anthem was great but dead now sadly. I think you can play solo for the most part.

Shyt I am sure there is more but my brain is fried after twelve hours of work.


t1_ja62mo9 wrote

I would research what game you want to play and the best systems that support those games. You mentioned Rocket League which in my experience is best played on PC with a controller. Tailor your system to what you and your family are going to use most.


t1_ja62unv wrote

Hope I don't disappoint lol. Honestly I tried linux like 15 years ago and just wasn't for me (Ubuntu). But it seemed to have come a long way with Proton, Wine, Steam etc. So this is me giving it another shot.

Running an AMD Ryzen 5 on ASUS TUF Mobo with a GeForce 1080 ti my buddy upgraded from. Running Mint Cinnamon right now, playing Linux friendly games like Northgard, DOS2, DOTA2, with occasional Gloomhaven or Valheim. Only had this rig about a year.

What about you?


t1_ja79hss wrote

Oh nothing that awesome. I usually take whatever I can find, piece it together just to get something running. Gaming in Linux I have not tried too heavily. I currently have a beefy windows bot that I can have multiple virtual machines running. More of a home lab scenario.