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ttimmyyxx t1_jec47ct wrote

male default shep is unironically one of my most memorable, and favorite protagonist’s in gaming


ISAV_WaffleMasta t1_jec6c5p wrote

But, nobody ever fell in love with out jelly fish existing tbf


McWooderson t1_jec9jrj wrote

"I'm gonna chop your balls off and sell them to a krogan!" >:[


bauN7 t1_jecsf1h wrote

Default FShep looks like a weird anime girl. I wish they would've gotten a real person to model her after like MShep.


Intrepid-Event-2243 t1_jedtbt1 wrote

i don't like the "new" default female shepard, she looks like she had bad plastic surgery. And the original one was just a generic face.


pronefroz t1_jeep7fx wrote

Is the one under fem-shep an in-game quote?


ReallyGargoyled t1_jeerqjz wrote

Shepard from mass effect and Cloud from FF7 along with Solid Snake from Metal gear Solid are probably the most memorable that isnt wearing a plumbing suit in red and blue or green.

nintendo got theirs, but i feel they are too cartoony for some reason to fit into this category.