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Ebolatastic t1_jefcdqh wrote

Yah anime games are probably on that shit immediately. The idea of having an AI turn one sentence of dialog into 5 pages of bloat has to have all those publishers thrilled. They don't have to pay people to do it anymore. It's like a foundational principle of modern JRPGs and MMOs to just drone on and on. I remember playing Xenoblade Chronicles last year and there was 35 sentence dialog exchange about going down a hallway. Octopath Traveler 2 had one story sequence that was 17 cutscenes long. Don't even get me started on how Persona can have full blown 10 minute conversations that just reiterate something already discussed.


69macncheese69 OP t1_jefizcn wrote

If it's already been discussed or irrelevant then I agree, but I personally enjoy good dialogue otherwise. I enjoy immersion the most in gaming.