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ModsSuckCock2 t1_jd259pv wrote

You are correct that you have the right to your opinion. Just as how others have the right to view you as incredibly judgemental.

Saying your not judgemental as a whole like it's some sort of excuse is bullshit. That's like someone saying they aren't racist as a whole because they only dislike black people.


imareallifehobbit t1_jd25fhb wrote

Yeah bro you can view me as judgmental if you want to. It doesn’t bother me at all. And the fact remains that we’re both complete strangers on reddit. You have no idea how I am outside of reddit and outside of my views of FFXIV.


ModsSuckCock2 t1_jd4ip0z wrote

I do know how you are outside of reddit and outside of your views on FFXIV. You also think a certain group of people (weeaboos) are beneath you based entirely on the fact that they like something you don't. It's one thing to not agree or like something, it's another thing to call a group of people a derogatory term just because you don't share interests.