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Player551yt OP t1_jeajwd3 wrote

Realised it too late. I still won't throw it away though.


Monkee-D t1_jeb0mvv wrote

Oh! You can try to recover them possibly. The games may be on some forgotten steam account from years ago but if you go to the account recovery page on steam, I feel like there was a way to select "I don't have access to this email" - then enter the cd code.

With any luck you may be able to turn the account over somehow. 🤷‍♂️


Player551yt OP t1_jeb1dmk wrote

Actually the account name is in the manual because the owner wrote it there for some reasonn but i don't think i want to do that because there is a chance they still use it.


Monkee-D t1_jeb2r9n wrote

Check out their page.

If they haven't logged in for years/these are the only games, chances are they won't be coming back.


Player551yt OP t1_jeb3my5 wrote

I searched for their name and found nothing.


Monkee-D t1_jeb5urt wrote

I don't think you can search by account name anymore. You used to be able to (maybe?)

But try recovering it. You should have enough information to go on... Who knows?


Player551yt OP t1_jeb4kdm wrote

It looks like they also put their password there and i tried the username + password and nothing happened.


Monkee-D t1_jeb6nb4 wrote

I was able to recently recover a really old steam account I lost back in like 2006 with like no effort. I think I pretty much just entered the account name and selected "I no longer have access to this email..." Or something like that and it worked... Too bad. : /


Player551yt OP t1_jeb6zl5 wrote

They sadly have removed that feature and replaced it with the phone number thing.