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JohnLocke815 t1_jeac0kv wrote



RichardBCummintonite t1_jeadpuv wrote

Nope. I don't even play games with battle passes anymore. Like I quit playing Overwatch when they started putting the unlockable characters behind the last step of the the battlepass pretty much making it p2w (or at least p2u) because I don't have the time or mental capacity to grind in such a toxic environment for an entire season just for a stupid hero/skin. I'd rather not play at all.


Lightspeed_Lunatic t1_jecj4eu wrote

Similar situation for me. I started playing Splatoon 3 when it launched, and since then, I can't stand paid battlepasses. Anything that has a paid pass and/or doesn't give you any way to get items you missed later on feels so scummy and anti-consumer to me now.

(Splat 3 has something similar to a battlepass, but it's 100% free, and you can get anything you missed after the season ends.)