Submitted by t3_127z289 in gaming

I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately.

Have crossovers in a game ever influenced you to buy or play that particular game?

For example, I love NieR: Automata to death and rank it among my top favorite games of all time, but I’ve never bought or played another game simply because it had a NieR: Automata crossover.

So, in my case, these NieR: Automata crossovers weren’t effective and the other game companies didn’t entice me to buy or play their game. 😅

If anything, I’ve only seen crossovers as nice little bonuses if they involved 2 games that I was already familiar with or playing.

What are your experiences with crossovers? 🤷‍♂️



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t1_jeghoi4 wrote

Smash Bros.


t1_jeghtsk wrote

Lol this is the PERFECT example cause it also goes both ways where I played games I would've never played if they weren't represented in Smash Bros


t1_jeh5glo wrote

I remember when I got my first Smash Bros. game. I was like 12, and I had pretty much only ever played Mario games up to that point. I ended up branching out to all the cool franchises represented (barring the M rated ones since I was 12) and I'm glad I did. Mario's still great, but thanks to Smash, I now play all sorts of other great games too.


t1_jeggjuj wrote

Mario + Rabbids

No one asked for it. No one needed it. A couple of the best games I've ever played.


t1_jeghchs wrote

My favourite games are kingdom hearts which is a crossover in itself lol


t1_jegh22p wrote

I think it works to a degree, or they wouldn't do it. but personally it doesn't influence my choices I wouldn't say.


OP t1_jegisow wrote

Yeah that’s part of what I wanted to dig into. I didn’t mention that in my original post, but yes, crossovers are obviously working to some extent or they wouldn’t continue doing it. It was just weird to me, personally, because I’ve never bought another game simply because of the crossover. 😅


t1_jegkli9 wrote

I had already played SOME Professor Layton before then, but Professor Layton VS Phoenix Wright may have convinced to get into Layton.


t1_jeglrfj wrote

A lot of people got in to Dead By Daylight because it had their favourite horror game characters on it. For example, I know the Silent Hill and Resident Evil characters were popular enough to sell a load of DBD copies.


t1_jegh527 wrote

I think of crossovers as fun side diversions but they aren’t selling points for me. I know when I was younger they could on rare occasion entice me to get a game I was on the fence about but it doesn’t have the same effect anymore.


t1_jeghfq8 wrote

Some are fine but most of the time you can tell it's for marketing.


t1_jegn8kh wrote

I think it woks, just not really by itself.

It's basically like any other form of marketing. It's probably not going to be the sole reason why people buy it, but it will shine a spotlight on it and the people running it hope that some people find the game interesting enough to buy it

It does also just straight up work with a lot of kids. My niece and nephew got Smash Bros and now they predictably want to try other games that their favourite Smash Bros characters are from.