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Citadelvania t1_jegr1s8 wrote

As a developer... technically yes... practically no. It would really be a nightmare. Developers are EXTREMELY careful with what information is given to the player and how it's presented.

The idea that an NPC can "go rogue" and start telling the player something that isn't correct is a non-starter but even the idea that an NPC might start talking about things that aren't relevant to the player is potentially extremely damaging. Like, say an NPC goes on and on about how much crime there is in part of the city. As a player they think "ah this must be something I can go take care of or interact with" but it's just speech, when the player gets there no events are happening.

Not to mention things like going up to a guard and convincing them to open the gate. Now the gate doesn't open, you're supposed to sneak in the back and the guard/chatgpt is explicitly told to never let anyone in the front gate. Except chatgpt can be coerced into agreeing to things so a clever player manages to convince the chatbot to open the gate. Except the gate can't open and the guard has no ability to do so. So the guard just sits there saying "alright fine go on in but don't tell anyone I let you in." except you're still stuck staring at a locked gate.

You also have to coordinate what people are saying. Like if someone in town says "ah yes we primarily grow wheat at this farm" and another person said "ah yes we primarily grow corn at this farm"... well which is it? Do either match the graphics being used? I guess now I have to manually tell every npc what the farm grows... and when it was started.... and who's in charge... so I just have to anticipate any question anyone could possibly ask and make sure the npc knows the information to answer that... oh dear...

So yeah because of all of these issues I would say it's almost never going to happen in a game that isn't entirely procedurally generated and even then I'd expect issues. It would be a massive undertaking to implement in any reasonable way, maybe even impossible.