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Oakenshield- OP t1_je636hh wrote

Loved 3 & 5..,have you played 6?


BurnerDanBurnerMan t1_je63rqk wrote

My bad, read the title wrong lol. 6 was alright, for 20 bucks I would. Definitely more to do, I'm just not into the whole spanglish style of it. Have your leaders run operations and theres more explosions than the others is cool. Don't expect it to be the best, but see it as just another fun game.


SuperFunkyFunk t1_je67g7w wrote

You can't pick up enemy weapons in 6. I found it incredibly annoying.


legoracer18 t1_je74gi0 wrote

On the flip side, playing through a new game+ and I have the guns I want to use already, it would be nice to not have to worry about accidently picking up a crap bad guy gun when just trying to loot them.


SuperFunkyFunk t1_je75rgj wrote

I like FC2, so FC6 will never work for me. I'm glad you like it, it's a fine FPS but 1-5 are better for my play style.


legoracer18 t1_je7srk3 wrote

I probably wasnt clear, I haven't played FC6 but have 3, 5, and New Dawn. I'm in my like fourth or so new game+ on FC5 and that's why it would be nice to not have to worry about picking up enemy guns when looting since I know what guns I like to run.


SuperFunkyFunk t1_je7tbmw wrote

Fair enough, I just found it frustrating to have such limited options in 6.