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taisui t1_jedt95q wrote

I attended E3 in the early 2000s during its prime. I remember fondly of the MGS2 trailer debut, Nintendo Gamecube and Xbox announcement, the fall of the Sega Dreamcast. E3 was technically a "trade show" and a lot of journalists, whom themselves hardcore gamers, attend and try to beat each other to publish the first story on new games. There are conference talking about the industry, business, and technical workshops about new technology. I've been in interviews with Peter Moore, J Allard, Hironobu Sakaguchi, Cliff B, Yuji Naka, Yu Suzuki, and so on. It was genuinely exciting. I also remember Nintendo released a bunch of trailers online, on the day before E3 floor is to open.

So looking back, I think that was the key difference. I remember getting the tripod and try to find a good spot and waiting for the MGS2 trailer premier, so I can get a good feed and upload the video, back then, you need to be in the media and have an invite in order to attend the press conference, and you try to write the stories and there are even media area with internet so that the journalists can work and send out news.

Now, completedly different, every major press conference is broadcasted live, every trailer is available the moment the embargo was lifted, media already know and probably have already written stories just waiting to be published because they are already briefed on the new titles. So, what's the point of attending the floor show anymore? All the big titles are already knowns, doing interviews on the noisy floor is horrible because all the music and noise are interfering, not to mention the slots are all scheduled way in advance, good lucky trying to score an interview with famous industry personalities.

Today, having a highly produced press conference is just so much easier, the Internet really is what killed E3. I've attended PAX and similar shows, none of them comopare to the prime days of E3.


ZeroDwayne t1_jeea661 wrote

Why angry joe deserves credit for his interviews way back when


Achaern t1_jeew5k1 wrote

Angry Joe at E3 is the Drake/NBA meme in action.


oldnyoung t1_jeed7z0 wrote

I loved the gaming magazines’ coverage of E3 in the 90s, always looked forward to those issues


flaccomcorangy t1_jeesuzp wrote

It is a little saddening that I don't think anything will ever replicate that feeling of E3. The day coming when every studio would have stuff to show, and they compete to one-up each other. Then we talk about the winners and losers of E3 when it's all over.

Companies just doing random pressers throughout the year doesn't have the same feel. And I really don't believe this is a nostalgia thing. It just doesn't. I see so many announcements for a Playstation State of Play or something, and I sometimes have to wonder, "Will you actually have anything good to show, or are you just going to say, 'we're still working on that game.'" It's like Bilbo in the LOTR: "Like butter scraped over too much bread."


taisui t1_jeg08hh wrote

>It is a little saddening that I don't think anything will ever replicate that feeling of E3.

This is true, but you have to also realize that generation grew up on video games are way more open about their kids playing video games today than ever before. In a way, gaming is main stream and with that the mystique is long gone.