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XPisthebest t1_jegfj5u wrote

Playstation usually promotes a very specific type of indies, basically indie games that feel like AA games with cinematic storytelling. Things like Stray, Kena, Shifu and Tchia are what they prefer to promote while strategy games, RTS, simulators and builders are barely acknowledged.

The thing with indies is that you really need the golf story, into the breach and wargroove type of games to create variety. This lifts up the AA like indies too because they look different from the other indies.


ComeAnima t1_jegxb7y wrote

I thought Indie dev support was meant to be the backbone of the PS4 and 5 development?

Did the big money company lie to me?


Hattix t1_jefx2jp wrote

Guys, you invented indie console dev. You had NetYaroze.

Then you shit all over it, said "thanks for your free content, now fuck yourselves", and ended it.

Then you did the same with the PS3.

So... Why would we trust you a third time?


w_paskee t1_jeezolx wrote

Isn't that what they've been doing in the last year or so


Zombienerd300 t1_jef842g wrote

Unfortunately, unless they are PS exclusives like Sifu and Kena, indies tend to go under the radar on PlayStation. This goes for Xbox as well but Game Pass helps indie devs.


Golden-Event-Horizon t1_jefcn5x wrote

Plus, the ID@Xbox program has produced some amazing games over the past few years. And the ones that are coming out look amazing too!