
Hattix t1_jeftryh wrote

Some of those are states of states. It's difficult to pigeon-hole states of matter, since states of matter aren't actually a physical thing by themselves.

Do we want to consider glass to be a different state of matter than metal? It should be: Metals are not remotely similar to glasses. In bulk properties they have rigid bodies, but that's about it. They're both "solid" and yet what meaning does this have? Mercury is far more similar to iron than either are to sulphur. Why should we consider the bulk property of rigidity or fluidity to be more important than, say, conductivity or first ionisation enthalpy?

Ultimately, it's best to restrict "states of matter" to everyday experience, as that's what they're meant to be.


Hattix t1_jedmakh wrote

Who did you mean to reply to?

You've accidentally replied to me. Who was the Redditor saying slavery wasn't the lowest of castes? It definitely wasn't me, and I'd like to see the best in people so I think you just replied to the wrong person.


Hattix t1_jedk4jn wrote

When we think of slavery, we think of commercial, industrialised, chattel slavery.

That's a uniquely modern thing. Slaves back then (even earlier, in Rome) were not workers. Nobody lost their job or livelihood to a slave like how the Americans surrender their jobs to dollar-a-day convicts today. You'd never see a slave at a forge, at a kiln, at the wainwright, working the docks, or sewing clothes. It'd be insulting to everyone to imply a slave was appropriate for any of those roles.

They were wives, they were domestic servants, errand boys, messengers. The only real "job" they were allowed to do was in subsistence agriculture, but everyone in the community did that anyway at harvest and sowing time.

Slaves were another mouth to feed and very few people, but for the richest and most powerful, wanted that.


Hattix t1_jedhjy9 wrote

The gap wasn't that small.

The law in question, the Copyright, Designs, and Patents Act 1988 has a provision which applies to specifically;

"The provisions of Schedule 6 have effect for conferring on trustees for the benefit of the Hospital for Sick Children, Great Ormond Street, London, a right to a royalty in respect of the public performance, commercial publication, broadcasting or inclusion in a cable programme service of the play ‘Peter Pan’ by Sir James Matthew Barrie, or of any adaptation of that work, notwithstanding that copyright in the work expired on 31 December 1987."

Not any derivative work. Not its predecessor, Little White Bird. Not even the 1924 novel "Peter Pan , or, the Boy who wouldn't grow up". Only the 1928 play.

Edit: It's also worth calling out that GOSH has no claim to title, it's royalties only. The hospital cannot grant or refuse any exhibition.


Hattix t1_jeaybmk wrote

Adjusted for inflation, it grossed around 1/10th that of a moderately successful game today.

The market was a lot smaller back then. The Sega Genesis/Mega Drive sold 33-40 million in total. Putting that into context, the XBox 360 and PS3 both sold 80-85 million units and the three main PS4 models sold 110-120 million, combined.

Today the best games sell to around 1/10th (and the very best, to 1/5th) of the total market, back then it was 1/50th for a strong game, and 1/20th for the best of their breed.

Not only was the market smaller, but people bought fewer games.


Hattix t1_je907bt wrote

It's mostly based on diet, not breed.

That said, there is a tendency for some breeds to produce wild-type white eggs, but most commercially kept hens produce brown eggs today. You can make the white ones look blue by controlling the diet the hens have access to, so if you lower the fresh vegetable and insect component (so lower carotenoids) you get blue-ish eggs. And sick hens, but hey, they don't care.


Hattix t1_jdvnt5p wrote

Voltage can't drop faster on the 7 because you can't have (much of) a potential difference across a conductor. The 7 Ah battery would need to be at a lower voltage than the 14 Ah battery and... well, how would that happen? In practice, the batteries are discharged in a rate proportional to their capacity, so the 14 Ah battery would provide 2/3rds of all current, and the 7 Ah would give 1/3rd.

If they're in parallel, the capacities will add and they'll always be at the same state of charge.

There are exceptions to this in extreme cases (where internal resistance becomes an issue) but I can't see you hauling over a hundred amps out of these things if all they are is a UPS.


Hattix t1_jcxew2h wrote

What's not well known is that, during the Apollo 15 mission, Lunar Module Pilot James Irwin almost added his own name to the list.

He had undetected and severe coronary artery disease and developed bigeminy while on the way to the Moon. If he wasn't in the pure oxygen and zero-G environment of the Apollo Command Module, that would have had a good chance to progress to full on fibrillation and zero blood pressure.

The coronary artery disease was only detected two years later when he had a major heart attack (at the age of 43!) and was given an emergency triple bypass.


Hattix t1_jbwmxwi wrote

You wouldn't need an interstellar object, there are plenty of local objects which can impact Earth too.

Interstellar objects, however, travel faster due to their hyperbolic excess and so would be more difficult to detect.

It would be possible to stop it if it is detected very early and we have a deflector mission ready on the launchpad, the idea behind asteroid deflection is you have a precise orbit for them and impact them early enough such that the small change in trajectory you make is enough to make it miss Earth completely.

In practise, this is probably not feasible.


Hattix t1_jb8nsuc wrote

Yes, and it isn't constant over time.

A magnetic field comes from a conductive fluid core which generates electric currents via convection and the core's rotation, so the object needs to be large enough to have a dense, fluid core and maintain it over time.

In the very early solar system most larger objects (non-asteroidal) would have had fluid cores and so likely magnetic fields, but these cool over time for smaller objects and they lose the field. Ganymede's core is on the lower edge of what could retain a magnetic field until the present day.

Coupled with differences based on core composition, we therefore believe Ganymede's core to be slightly larger than Mars'.