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t1_jdh3wh0 wrote

I think one of the worst things a game can do with its lighting is add rtx after a year of being released. No one's going to use it. People have been playing this game for a whole year now, people are used to the way it looks. Sure, there are some people who will use it, but 99% of players will turn it on once, notice ot's not worth the performance tradeoff at all, and turn it off forever. Halo: Infinite is experiencing the same thing right now, they just added rtx, not a single person cares (and that game DOES have DLSS I'm pretty sure).


t1_jdhekk1 wrote

I completely agree. It's one of those things that you either add at launch or don't bother with. It's like ordering an ice-cream and then getting the sprinkles the next day. It's nice to have sprinkles but I would have rather had it with my ice-cream. I'm of the mind that we aren't really ready for ray tracing. Performance is rarely good enough to warrant turning it on and it seems like a lot of Devs have trouble with optimisation or just aren't bothering because they know DLSS has their back


t1_jdi810k wrote

My exact experience. I turned it on PS5, swung the camera 360 a couple times, turned it off, and continued my playing.


t1_jdjdmbr wrote

It's only worth doing if it makes a real difference. Metro exodus launched with some rtx effects, but the enhanced edition changed the visuals dramatically. Witcher 3 added rtgi, shadows, and reflections. This update apparently only affects shadows, yet they still look like ass.