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N7twitch t1_iy2wy80 wrote

Mask of the Betrayer for Neverwinter Nights 2.


Archallay t1_iy2x3q8 wrote

Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare


TheAzarak t1_iy2x3tz wrote

Hollow Knight had 4 pretty big DLCs that added a ton of content and it was all free. And the game was only like $15-20 in the first place.


shabba182 t1_iy2xqhx wrote

Episodes from Liberty City.


cosmoboy t1_iy2xyo1 wrote

There's some good stuff. Someone already said it, but Undead Nightmare was a blast. It also stopped me from playing the vanilla game and I've never finished.

Someone also said Blood and Wine, which was amazing, but I liked the story of Hearts of Stone better.

The Citadel DLC for ME3. I finally played through it about this time last year and it really felt like a missing part of the game. Toothbrush...


GreenHermit t1_iy2yubj wrote

Oblivion horse armour obviously


confusedcraftsman t1_iy2zyvm wrote

The last of us: Left behind is a brutal emotional roller-coaster of a dlc. Definitely worth playing.


Warribo t1_iy3043j wrote

GTA 4, The Ballard of Gay Tony


doogs9 t1_iy307nt wrote

Fallout New Vegas: Honest Hearts. Or any of the 4 dlc's really


djr7 t1_iy30tsh wrote

I'd say Torna but it's a bit unfair since it's essentially a standalone game


Potatezone t1_iy32yqj wrote

Echoes of the Eye for Outer Wilds


cytus_allcore t1_iy335g9 wrote

Tiny Tina's wonderlands dlc from borderlands


C-Golucky t1_iy33iv6 wrote

Fallout 3 had amazing DLCs. The themes of each one was solid and kept me entertained the whole way through. I would say my favorite one of them all though, was point lookout.


Honk_goose_steal t1_iy33n78 wrote

I really like the cuphead dlc and I don't know if the Hollow Knight dlc's also count, but I really like those too


kennyh90 t1_iy389p8 wrote

The old hunters (bloodborne) Assault on Dragon keep (borderlands 2) All ds3 dlc All re7 dlc to complete a damn good story


Ok_Tumbleweed2973 t1_iy39pcn wrote

im gonna say Little Nightmares 1 DLC,

and the Wolfenstein Old Blood DLC


Tommy_SVK t1_iy3aahc wrote

Blood & Wine and it's not even close. That DLC had more content that a lot of single-player games. For example, I'm 100% sure that B&W has more content than The Last of Us. And this isn't just about quantity, the content in B&W is still really good. The fact that a DLC can have more content than a full AAA game and this content still has good quality astonishes me. Easily the best DLC ever.


ClanPsi609 t1_iy3b169 wrote

It seems quite a few people here don't understand what the DL stands for in DLC. Which is actually kind of understandable, since really, why is there an L in it? Down Loadable? But there are already far too many meanings for the acronym DC, so I guess that's why.

To answer, though, all of the extra free content added by Ghost Ship Games to DRG since launch. Rock & Stone.


coolwool t1_iy3ceqn wrote

Beyond the dark Portal


invictuM91 t1_iy3luea wrote

1- The Ringed City
2- Artorias Of the Abyss
3- Ashes Of Ariandel


winkwink13 t1_iy3no43 wrote

For me hands down Mask Of The Betrayer


Jakeola1 t1_iy3q3to wrote

I really hope Phantom Liberty for Cyberpunk 2077 will have a similar amount of content to Blood and Wine, especially because its the only expansion we’ll get :( absolutely insane how much content was in blood and wine, and it was all quality stuff too


VenomSnake650 t1_iy3tv92 wrote

The Citadel from Mass Effect 3 hands down. There are others that rank very highly for me. But The Citadel is like a greatest hits of everything that makes Mass Effect amazing.


Prsy0220 t1_iy3yo0z wrote

The old hunters from Bloodborne and The ringed city from Dark souls 3


Excellent_Routine589 t1_iy42m17 wrote

Mass Effect 3: Citadel

It was between that and New Vegas: Lonesome Road for me

But it takes the cake because it was just such a goofy, fan servicey love letter to the end of the original trilogy. Had a fun Main mission but the side character stories were hilarious and the main attraction.


Lyceus_ t1_iy4d8a9 wrote

Holy Fury for Crusader Kings 2. It was made as the final DLC for the game and it's basically everything fans wanted.

(Of course Blood & Wine for The Witcher 3 exists but I wanted to mention a lesser-known DLC).


Ramontique t1_iy51sh3 wrote

Diablo 2 Lord of Destruction


FocusInfamous8793 t1_iy5cl7e wrote

Warcraft 2 Beyond The Dark Portal or Starcraft Brood Wars


TheRNGuy t1_iy5j0uh wrote

Don't Starve: Hamlet.


RuyKnight t1_iy6047a wrote

Take a guess:
It's the delicious last course, well the delicious last course, when you can eat to fill, and stay up too, the delicious last course