Submitted by Bluecrayon33 t3_z6sd4d in gaming
AkshPathania t1_iy2x3zw wrote
Jetstream sam
ConsciousTradition50 t1_iy2xb3y wrote
I thought we already discussed this. Its Brood War
WaffleCat3367 t1_iy2xjc3 wrote
voez 1.11
Derc_on_Reddit t1_iy2xkgt wrote
Witcher 3: Blood and Wine
Bluecrayon33 OP t1_iy2xpwg wrote
Shit has somebody made this past recently?
cosmoboy t1_iy2xyo1 wrote
There's some good stuff. Someone already said it, but Undead Nightmare was a blast. It also stopped me from playing the vanilla game and I've never finished.
Someone also said Blood and Wine, which was amazing, but I liked the story of Hearts of Stone better.
The Citadel DLC for ME3. I finally played through it about this time last year and it really felt like a missing part of the game. Toothbrush...
GreenHermit t1_iy2yubj wrote
Oblivion horse armour obviously
confusedcraftsman t1_iy2zu1r wrote
I think blood and wine will always be my favorite dlc. It's just insane
confusedcraftsman t1_iy2zyvm wrote
The last of us: Left behind is a brutal emotional roller-coaster of a dlc. Definitely worth playing.
doogs9 t1_iy305bk wrote
Damn you bastard, you beat me to it!!!
Warjilla t1_iy307d0 wrote
It's a full game sold as a DLC.
WillWhite t1_iy30h0u wrote
New Vegas is a standalone game, unless you mean the DLC they released for it?
Potatezone t1_iy32yqj wrote
Echoes of the Eye for Outer Wilds
cytus_allcore t1_iy335g9 wrote
Tiny Tina's wonderlands dlc from borderlands
Honk_goose_steal t1_iy33n78 wrote
I really like the cuphead dlc and I don't know if the Hollow Knight dlc's also count, but I really like those too
The_Old_Gravy_Leg t1_iy33n8k wrote
Mass Effect 3 Citadel.
stiofan84 t1_iy3959d wrote
This. 2016 GOTY for me by itself.
Ok_Tumbleweed2973 t1_iy39pcn wrote
im gonna say Little Nightmares 1 DLC,
and the Wolfenstein Old Blood DLC
Tommy_SVK t1_iy3aahc wrote
Blood & Wine and it's not even close. That DLC had more content that a lot of single-player games. For example, I'm 100% sure that B&W has more content than The Last of Us. And this isn't just about quantity, the content in B&W is still really good. The fact that a DLC can have more content than a full AAA game and this content still has good quality astonishes me. Easily the best DLC ever.
ClanPsi609 t1_iy3aotd wrote
You mean the expansion pack which came out before downloading video games was a thing?
ClanPsi609 t1_iy3b169 wrote
It seems quite a few people here don't understand what the DL stands for in DLC. Which is actually kind of understandable, since really, why is there an L in it? Down Loadable? But there are already far too many meanings for the acronym DC, so I guess that's why.
To answer, though, all of the extra free content added by Ghost Ship Games to DRG since launch. Rock & Stone.
DouglasWFail t1_iy3bjpu wrote
DLC for the first Dishonored
PenaltyNext8736 t1_iy3d1mk wrote
Halo 3 mythic dlc was amazing in its time
Trickster289 t1_iy3ec1q wrote
I preferred Hearts of Stone. Blood and Wine had more content but Hearts of Stone had a better story.
Deathsphinx123 t1_iy3kgk5 wrote
Iki island ghost of tsushima
invictuM91 t1_iy3luea wrote
1- The Ringed City
2- Artorias Of the Abyss
3- Ashes Of Ariandel
Majestic_Tennis4620 t1_iy3mpmg wrote
Mass Effect 3: Citadel
winkwink13 t1_iy3no43 wrote
For me hands down Mask Of The Betrayer
Jakeola1 t1_iy3q3to wrote
I really hope Phantom Liberty for Cyberpunk 2077 will have a similar amount of content to Blood and Wine, especially because its the only expansion weβll get :( absolutely insane how much content was in blood and wine, and it was all quality stuff too
meekgamer452 t1_iy3r059 wrote
Fallout NV: Lonesome Road
VenomSnake650 t1_iy3tv92 wrote
The Citadel from Mass Effect 3 hands down. There are others that rank very highly for me. But The Citadel is like a greatest hits of everything that makes Mass Effect amazing.
Beginning-Blood-3127 t1_iy3uru0 wrote
I thought the Shivering Isles was pretty badass.
[deleted] t1_iy3x1vd wrote
Excellent_Routine589 t1_iy42m17 wrote
Mass Effect 3: Citadel
It was between that and New Vegas: Lonesome Road for me
But it takes the cake because it was just such a goofy, fan servicey love letter to the end of the original trilogy. Had a fun Main mission but the side character stories were hilarious and the main attraction.
Lyceus_ t1_iy4cyys wrote
Hearts of Stone has the best main story, Blood and Wine has the best additions overall.
Pr0blemHaver t1_iy4hpub wrote
Elder Scrolls III: Bloodmoon
stinkpotcats t1_iy4up24 wrote
HZD: The Frozen Wilds
No-Worldliness-4979 t1_iy4wxh7 wrote
Just got them all on autumn sale. π
No-Worldliness-4979 t1_iy4x3iq wrote
That one was so good! Tbh, I liked it better than the main game. Imo, best story out of the games
Ramontique t1_iy51sh3 wrote
Diablo 2 Lord of Destruction
ConsciousTradition50 t1_iy55fju wrote
No we still had to download games. How else a PC going to run something that big.
FocusInfamous8793 t1_iy5cl7e wrote
Warcraft 2 Beyond The Dark Portal or Starcraft Brood Wars
doogs9 t1_iy5kqvc wrote
ClanPsi609 t1_iy5u2td wrote
Brood War came out in 1998. Were you even sperm then?
ConsciousTradition50 t1_iy5uwky wrote
Please don't let your comprehension issues cause you to be offensive. Your ineptitude shouldn't bring other people down.
Maya_the_siren- t1_iy6mhc4 wrote
farcry 3 blood dragon was pretty amazing
Bluecrayon33 OP t1_iy6mvi8 wrote
I was recently replaying through that, Far Cry isn't my type of game but it was really good
Maya_the_siren- t1_iy6n2rv wrote
strangely im not massively into either but that dlc was fantastic
illMetalFace t1_iy6w0no wrote
I prefer Old World Blues and later on really appreciated Dead Money. But yes agreed. Itβs not even close
doogs9 t1_iy7os23 wrote
I do really like Dead Money. The vibe is so eerie and the droning ambience adds to it. God damn now I have to go back and play it again!
tomatozombie2 t1_iy2wx8k wrote
Uncharted The Lost Legacy