Submitted by t3_z8aejw in gaming

Hello, I am a fellow game developer. So far I have never made any succesfull games. I realized that I come up with a game that I think people will like. Pour my heart and soul and time into it. And no one ends up playing, it leaves me crushed and defeated. It may be because I am not popular or because of no advertisement(No money).

But I wanted to ask the people(you guys) directly what games you like and a game you wish existed! Not jsut games made for attention and money, games people really enjoy and can come together. A game you'd lay with a friend and tlak about. I am hoping to get some insight into the minds of gamers. I have been playing video games ever since I was 7-8. I was pretty much addicted, more focused on a virtual life than life itself. It has led me to become a game developer (and go into computer science and mathematics). So I don't really play games anymore, just make them. I forgot what my childhood days were like, what games I loved to play. I hope you still remmember!

Thanks in advance.

Edit: By "succsessful" I mean get a few people interested or get a few players, not industry level or money pouring in. Just some form of recognition. Weather the platform is steam, epic games, or even roblox. These are pretty small projects, I am just looking for ideas.


If you are curiouse, here are a few games I remmember playing and loving. You might even recognize a few! :)

  1. Halo wars 2, My first ever game. Absolute blast, I had just come from a poor country and was surprised that the sinks at the airport turned on and off automatically. I thought it was alien stuff, I think you can see hwo surprised I was that such technology and video games existed. It was a brand new look into the world.
  2. Trove. Still one of my favorite games to this day, althought I don't play it much. The game was a blast, so much fun learning stuff a grinding out the game. Any of you who do play it, I think you can relate the nastolgia :)
  3. Crossout, exellent building game. It brought out the creativity and destruction in me. Build war cars and fight! Managing money and items and marketplace. Really had to know what you were doing, that's why I loved it.




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t1_iyalwq3 wrote

Metal Gear Solid 3

Dream game is too long to explain. But short hand. Sonic the hedgehog +Tony Hawk + Metal Gear Rising


t1_iyamra7 wrote

Basically battlefield 1's operations or a game like hell let loose with adding a destructiable environment and maybe a smaller scale map. The 50 v 50 part of hell let loose is awesome, it also seems more geared towards 20+ year olds so no screaming children. Add battlefield 1's semi destructible maps. Artillery craters, buildings etc and that's a perfect fps too me. I can waste hours with randos in hell let loose bullshitting and playing that. Just me though, hope the career works out for ya!


t1_iyanjwd wrote

There's nothing I'd wish more to exist than a Ultima X that brings the franchise back to glory. Bonus wish: A completely new Ultima IX, washing away any memories of the sad mess that it was.


t1_iyanz97 wrote

Star ocean till the end of time. It's ending is still talked about to this day and the crafting and inventor system is awesome.


OP t1_iyapcd2 wrote

>Wait...You've never heard of Metal Gear Solid 3?

No, sadly I have not played that much games. I am fairly young and focus mor eon developement and mathematics than playing. That is why I am asking other people for help on what to make.


t1_iyaqd53 wrote

A remake of Stranglehold. Rather simple in it's execution, but good solid fun with EXTREMELY destructible environments, cinematic quality sound and visuals.

To me, the way the gunplay FEELS is the most important factor. I think besides Stranglehold, Killing Floor 2 and Max Payne 3 are perfect examples of this. The gameplay loop can be simple, even repetitive, but if the act itself is fun, it can entertain for a long, long time

Don't give up, OP. All the very best to you


OP t1_iyaqlp1 wrote

(Keep in mind none of these games are industry level, just some personal projects and games hoping to get a few interests and players, I by no means consider myself a professional. I actually enjoy making physics and mathimatical games and simulations.)

I have tried a few different game stratigies. One based on music and compition, like roast/rap/singing/vocal compititions. But that was way too ambitiose considering that I had no popularity. I made one on a simple child and family friendly game, the theme was halloween. Bassically hide and seek from a ghost and hunters and seekers have perks to help them. Hunters/ghost's have different ghosts with different perks they can select. Another game is based on telekinetic powers, curently working on it actually so I am not sure yet. Another one was based on a death run from a mad scientist, you try to escaped his labratory from a bunch a traps his minion (a player) will set off to try and kill everyone. And a game based on Legends of chima, was never finnished. I think that is pretty much all. The personal projects or missles and proportional navigation, particle simulation and gravity, machine learning and nueral networks. I ahve been wanting to make a game where you build hardware and computers form scratch, like minecraft. I don't think I ahve the experience yet sadly. And I am afraid no one will play.


t1_iyar7cq wrote

I don't have a definitive favorite game but more like a group of games (Sonic Unleashed, Terraria, COD Zombies) I know, the last one isn't a standalone game but a game mode. I just love it so much that I have more play time on there in any Call Of Duty than the multiplayer.

Now onto your question about what kind of game you should make.

First, you have to ask yourself, "What genre should my game be? Do I want an Arcade game or a racing game?" Things like this should be made beforehand.

After that is finished, you should make a theming for the game. Example: Sci-fi, fantasy, modern age, medieval etc.

Onto our next checkmark, and those are mostly what you are capable of or what you want to implement in your game. You can choose features you yourself would want in the game, or ask around what they would want via a polls, questioners and whatever kind of ways there are to ask people.

The hard part will be to satisfy everybody. Not everybody will like a game, there will always people who will not enjoy a game because a specific thing isn't to their liking, be it the graphics, a game mechanic, the story etc.

I hope my paragraph was helpful for you. I will gladly answer any questions you have after reading all this, and good luck trying to create a game you yourself and many other people will enjoy :)


OP t1_iyare17 wrote

> All the very best to you


Destructable environments had never come to mind. Thnaks for the idea! I agree that the way a game feels is really important. I have been struggling to make high quality good feeling effects and machenics. Considering that I am only a scripter/programmer. It is hard to do everything solo. But I will get there eventually!


t1_iyas44z wrote

Well. Nothing wrong with that. Metal Gear Solid 3 is honestly one of the most insanely detailed games you'll ever play that doesn't tell you about half the details lol. Your vision with adjust to darkness, Every boss has a really cheesy way to beat them pretty much that is very much the intent. Fuck you can literally just wait a week and one of the bosses just straight up dies of old age. The amount of little stuff you can find is just off the charts

The whole Metal Gear Series in generally really great Stealth Action. But i feel 3 is the peak of the franchise. It has elements of James Bond and Rambo all kinda smashed together. With a story that is both really deep and extremely shallow. Both very basic yet VERY convoluted. But like in a very fun way all around.


t1_iyas7tm wrote

Dude your 14. Of course you haven't put out a succsessful game unless it's on roblox. Succsessful games usually require lots of time, money, (and also advertising which falls under money). At 14 you have zero time in the world, being in middle/high school. You can't just make a game and expect it to be an overnight hit. Those games that do require lots of money. And trust me, I'm almost 15 and I question some of the choices I made at 14. Your brain at 14 is still young and you won't see all the flaws your game might have. Take this as advice: your 14


OP t1_iyaslrg wrote

>What genre should my game be?

I think I want a stratigic multiplayer co-op game based either on battle or logic or both.

> you should make a theming for the game

I think the theme I want is high quality and "tech" effects or child-like gameboard theme (Like Mario or Manopoly)

>those are mostly what you are capable of or what you want to implement in your game

I don't think I am capable of making a game look good and feel good, jsut the logic sadly. I am into scripting and programming. I am learning a effects and modeling in blender. But I think this is all too much for 1 peroson to manage. I think that is my current my problem.


>I hope my paragraph was helpful for you. I will gladly answer any questions you have after reading all this, and good luck trying to create a game you yourself and many other people will enjoy :)

Thank you, I did. I usually jump into the editor and think of ideas as I go and they usually end up how I like. But I have never looked at them this way, could be useful in the future :)


OP t1_iyat87n wrote

Like I said, these are jsut some personal games or projects I am trying to make to make a few people interested. By succsessful I don't mean industry level or money flowing in. I just want some recognition. Weather the platform is steam, epic games, or even roblox. Money is not the issue, and just becuase I am 14 does not mean I can't start, I understand I have a limit. But I am not trying to make any top tier games.


Edit: Oh yeah, how did you know i was 14?!?!?! Did you look at my other posts!??!


t1_iyauepv wrote

NieR Automata because of the story, philosophies and how it is much related to real human life imho, especially to my own, but depicted beautifully in a game, paired with insane OSTs and combat.

Edit: even the OST has philosophies behind it, and do not forget the accidentally crying version but it hits players too and players appreciate it as well


t1_iyauuvw wrote

>I think I want a stratigic multiplayer co-op game based either on battle or logic or both.

From this description, I get a similar feel of the Halo Wars games or Strategic FPS games like Ready or Not.


>I think the theme I want is high quality and "tech" effects or child-like gameboard theme (Like Mario or Manopoly)

That's a good start, having a theme can give you an idea later on how to design the models etc.


>I don't think I am capable of making a game look good and feel good,
jsut the logic sadly. I am into scripting and programming. I am learning
a effects and modeling in blender. But I think this is all too much for
1 peroson to manage. I think that is my current my problem.

And that is fine, you don't have to make everything by yourself, well you can but that will take more time than having a team where everyone has their designated job to do.

Modeling in game development comes near the end phase of game development, since there might be sudden changes you want to make or have to make. Most game developers use placeholder objects and make the gameplay first. For coding the actual game you should look around and talk with other game developers for advice since I have no experience myself in this field.


t1_iyav7cg wrote

And as you are a game developer, i suggest you to play the game. Why? Imho, as a developer too (but not game), i wondered how they could transition the OSTs smoothly between scenes


t1_iyaw9w9 wrote

Vagliolo dreamscapes is LITTERALLY my dream game!

Get it? No?

CAS it makes your dreams... Do things?



t1_iybkeg2 wrote

I wouldnt say very strategic. Very strategic can suck the fun out of it. More like realistic physics I guess? And strategic elements implemented. Mature for sure though, I'm all about kids gaming, but I'm pretty over hearing the pipsqueaks rage into the mic everytime they get killed. Slower paced action is definitely for a more mature fan base.