Mr_Evil_Dr_Porkchop t1_iyap5mt wrote
You don’t have to participate in the BPs, you know? It’s just cosmetics lol
ItsLCGaming t1_iyapbfk wrote
Well mostly. It is getting to a point of actual weapons characters now
GH0STMELON t1_iyapcsa wrote
JustWantedAUsername t1_iyape3z wrote
Idk it bothers me in the same way as loot crates but less offensive. My thing is that im fine with it because it doesnt really take anything away from the game and i havent played one that you couldn't unlock premium with it eventually. Even if it took multiple seasons to unlock it initially. As long as they stick to cosmetics or resources that can be attained some other way in game in fine with it.
Yo_Wats_Good t1_iyapjt4 wrote
Nope not at all. Whats there to be tired of? You can opt in and its in the background.
requiemofchaos t1_iyaszl3 wrote
Fortnite's the only game with a Battlepass I actually bother with, and I've skipped seasons I wasn't interested in outright. The game is fun enough that I'll play it even without the passes.
TurkTurkle t1_iyaudfp wrote
Nope. I dont remember the last time i bought a game that had one.
Birb-Brain-Syn t1_iycbi3z wrote
I've never bought a battle pass and probably never will.
Honk_goose_steal t1_iycihy6 wrote
yup, don't like them at all. but free games like Fortnite at least have an excuse for stuff like battle passes so I can look past that. but games like CoD that already cost a lot of money just shouldn't have a battle pass.
SELECTaerial t1_iydh8vu wrote
Honestly, Epic seems to know how to do battle passes correctly. I usually buy the Rocket League battle pass and sometimes Fortnite. Those and Fall Guys have awesome rewards for those willing to grind a little.
And the fact that it’s purely cosmetic is honestly really great.
SgtWaffleSound t1_iyap4zo wrote
Not really because I play zero games that have battle passes