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ElevateOof t1_j238r3t wrote

Nope, never desired to play it. I've always avoided Kojimas work because I find it satirical in nature almost like a parody. Death Stranding stuck out though. It seems more serious in nature than MGS. MGS comes off to me as the game equivalent of Adam Sandler movies. hurr durr fart joke, Cigars, FUCKING BALLOONS IN AN ADVANCED WORLD?, GiRL bReAtHes ThRoUgH hEr sKiN🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓


ImDoeTho t1_j23954l wrote

Yikes. You're a joy to be around, aren't you


Tekge3k t1_j23brk5 wrote

You missed out on some gems then snatcher and mgs1-3