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PapaProto t1_j2b3teq wrote

You genuinely don’t think someone who constantly bunny hops, drop-shots, slide-cancels etc is using more “energy” and pressing buttons faster than someone who doesn’t constantly do that shit?

And you call me ridiculous.


SaiyajinPrime t1_j2b3yt5 wrote

I find it pathetic that you're considering video games a high usage of your energy. You're pretty much sitting completely still and moving your hands. If that tires you, then do you have a sedentary lifestyle and need exercise.


PapaProto t1_j2b4kbl wrote

Wait… what the fuck is your comprehension? I’m talking about how quick you have to mash buttons in order to bunny hop. When did I say “playing games is high energy usage”?

Do you genuinely think everybody handles a controller exactly the same? Do sweats just not exist in your world?

You’ve never played CoD, FN, or similar with someone in the lobby who should clearly be playing in a ranked/comp mode instead of casual because you can see from their gameplay they’re playing like a pro with all the meta movements and shit.

I’m athletic and couldn’t be much less sedentary in my general lifestyle but that’s not relevant. How do you think that’s remotely what I’m talking about?


SaiyajinPrime t1_j2b5l36 wrote

You literally told me to focus on how much energy it takes to play this way.

It's completely ridiculous. People want to win and some people are better and some people aren't. You can still play the game. And if you can't handle someone beating you because they have a different play style than you, that's on you. Calling them try hards or sweats is just a silly thing that people who lose say.

I actually only recently got into fortnite. Within the last few months my buddy and I go into duos and we play hours at a time a few times a week. We place in the top 10 95% of the time and we get plenty of kills in it. Sometimes people beat me, sometimes I beat people.

I have never once thought that the person who killed me was putting too much energy into the game. It's honestly such a silly statement. Everyone wants to win, some people are better than others.

Really sorry if people having a different skill set than you makes you feel like you have to say it's them trying to hard. I'm sure you deal with failure well in all other areas of your life as well.


PapaProto t1_j2b9379 wrote

I’ve played CoD for many years which is where terms like it originated for me. Sometimes I win, sometimes I lose but when I win, it has never been by spamming jump, slide-cancelling, drop-shorting controller settings set to high X & Y as some do.

It’s not about “wanting to win”. When I win, I’ve played the same way I always play. I don’t go “this match I wanna have fun, and this match I want to win” winning is just a byproduct of playing. Sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn’t.

That’s what people call sweaty and I guess it just stuck and became part of my vocab on the topic of games. You realise people refer to themselves as sweats and tryhards etc, yes?

People who rock the CDL skins in CoD often do ‘cause they know their playstyle and control set up is tuned up compared someone who plays casually, who won’t bother trying to min-max settings. You notice patterns too, they often have things like Faze and TTV in their name despite not belonging to Faze. Some things do go hand in hand.

You never get killed by someone doing the jump spam thing and think “dude you’re trying too hard”?

It’s absolutely nothing to do with “dealing with failure”, what a stunted thing to say. Games aren’t relevant to real life outside of enjoyment & entertainment unless you earn money from it. Why would the times I don’t win in a game be remotely the same as something not going my way in reality?

That’s only a good point if you take games too seriously…


SaiyajinPrime t1_j2b9yoi wrote

No, in all my years of playing games I have never once felt that someone was trying to hard when they killed me. I used to be really into destiny 2 crucible and don't play as many shooters anymore cuz I got kind of bored of the genre because of the oversaturation, but when I play them I've never felt like the reason I'm losing is because someone else is trying too hard. It's such a silly way to think about things for everyone who does.

It seems like you're the one who's taking games too seriously and not me. If you have to classify people as sweats to come to terms with the fact that they beat you.


PapaProto t1_j2bafs6 wrote

When did I mention it’s only when I lose? Sometimes they’re on my team and I’m thinking “why you sweating, it’s a casual mode”.

You’ve got an obsession with the absolutes of winning & losing. Sometimes I’m top of my teams scoreboard, we’re winning and the dude who’s been bunny hopping, drop-shorting and slide-cancelling all match isn’t even top 3, it’s not black & white winning and losing.

You can be sweaty and still lose. I don’t lose to every single bunny hopper in FN, but even when I win the encounter I still think mashing the jump button the way you have to in order for the character to even do that is somewhat tryhard.