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Madmonkeman t1_j2b2jrz wrote

The reason I loved it was because of how well they told the story through symbolism in the “neural interrogation” segments. It wasn’t an in your face story but I could tell what was going on.


munitionchipsintoys t1_j2b52yh wrote

I might have missed that I will play it again for sure.
Oh you mean like seeing what happened with everyone?


Madmonkeman t1_j2bkulj wrote

Yeah like the one section where there’s the TV puzzle that has a light that closes the doors is one of the best ones to show how the character was feeling.


munitionchipsintoys t1_j2bu26b wrote

I don't think I ever drew a connection from that to the character's feelings. On my playthrough of redux I'll keep this in mind.


Madmonkeman t1_j2cmy27 wrote

It symbolized her feeling like she was being held back by her baby. In order to progress she felt like she would be abandoning her baby.