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Sufficient_Focus t1_j2drwfn wrote

maybe your display settings got reset, check your refresh rate


Esoo_bakoo OP t1_j2dv4lo wrote

Actually i check it its 144


Sufficient_Focus t1_j2dvppk wrote

is the monitor plugged into gpu?


Esoo_bakoo OP t1_j2dvyzz wrote

Yes and before I download the Windows 11 everything was good


Sufficient_Focus t1_j2dwv59 wrote

I saw your other comment you said the geforce app is showing 30fps but does it actually feel like 30fps? You would be able to tell 30fps is very stuttery, if it's smooth I wouldn't worry about it, geforce just reporting it wrong.


Esoo_bakoo OP t1_j2dxc59 wrote

No it’s dos not feel like its 30fps it look so smooth and good but I thought maybe if a keep play something will be wrong you know I really worked hare to get this pc and I didn’t know what to do so yah


michaelvsaucetookdmt t1_j2e1ynh wrote

its not gonna cause permanent damage or anything. if the games are running fine dont worry about the FPS indicator