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Ramdog19 t1_j23dm2a wrote

Really depends on what you're into?

My go too single player recommendation lately has been Subnautica.

It's cheap, easy to learn, unique, open world, encourages exploration, base/vehicle building, and has a great story wrapped in mystery that you discover at your own pace. It's genuinely one the best single player experiences I've ever had. I highly recommend avoiding any spoilers before beginning your journey.


lurklurklurkPOST t1_j23hw49 wrote

Seconded. Grab Subnautica. Avoid spoilers.

Its one of those games that you wish you could play again fresh after completing it.


xMercerx OP t1_j25yi6q wrote

so both Subnautica and Below Zero or just the first one?


Ramdog19 t1_j26xd3z wrote

Subnatica must be played first. Below Zero's story will make no sense without context, and in my opinion, the first game is better all around.


NaCl_Miner_ t1_j23f9et wrote

These questions are almost impossible to answer without the OP giving some context of what they are into.


pootis_panser_here t1_j23pk37 wrote

Vampire survivors is cheap and enjoyable. Very easy to play if you want to start out simple.


PrescientPotato t1_j23db6v wrote

Why look for underrated gems if you've missed last 7 years?

Look at the highly rated games first?


xMercerx OP t1_j23ke5p wrote

because it's easy to find highly praised games like RDR2 on ranked lists or threads but it's quite rare you find games like Judgement or Vampyr being mentioned.


DeathAlgorithm t1_j23e2c8 wrote

Guild wars 2. Game is more active than ever. Not like a regular MMO. Lots of players and enough content to keep you busy for 20k hours.

Forza horizon 5 is a great racing sim game. Realistic with no rubberbanding.


sonic_24 t1_j23gkml wrote

Seconding GW2. The game is really good. The best part about it that it respects player's time. No gear treadmill, no FOMO, just your own pace.


Sofaris t1_j256pgb wrote

I recomend "Blue Fire".

Its an action Adventure/3D Platformer which took Inspirations from Dark Souls, Zelda and Mario. But its not hard like Dark Souls. Its actully pretty easy but still fun and engaging and it has a nice atmosphere. Its great fore relaxing.

Do you like turn based JRPGs? If yes I have another recomendation.


xMercerx OP t1_j25zlig wrote

Blue Fire looks like a great game. Thanks for that suggestion.

yes, i've played a few JRPGs, what's the recommendation you have?


Sofaris t1_j2628mm wrote

"Fuga Melodies of Steel" is a 20 houer long turn based JRPG about a groupe of animal children that go on a quest to save there families.

It has the most fun turn based combat I ever experienced. Its not that hard but I need to keep my head in the game at all times or things will go south fast. Very few fights feel (gameplay wise) like mindless filler.

Now there are a few things that might be a turn of to others. Fuga is super linear with almost no exploration. There are no sidequests at all and you can not grind in this game.

Now I think those aspects actully helped the developers to balance the game. Its in my opinion very well balanced. I only lament the lack of an optional super boss.

Fuga is on most modern consoles, its on Game Pass and it has a free demo which is just straight up the first 3 chapters of the game so you can try it out and see if its your cup of tea.


Divine_Entity_ t1_j26sz26 wrote

Hard to answer without more details but:

Pikmin series is good, starting with 3 deluxe is perfectly fine. (Its hard to describe but its awesome amd basically its own genera)

Minecraft will feel like a brand new game after a 7 year gap.

Mario Odyssey and Zelda breath of the wild are good.

Bug Fable is the spiritual successor of the paper mario franchise.

Xbox gamepass gets you what feels like a million games for a simple subscription, it includes many old gems like all of doom, quake, and newer games like Subnautica just generally has a long list that will make it a good place to explore many generas without actually getting invested in 1 game just to dislike it. (This is probably the best advice i can give, find services like this that basically let you download anything for "free" as part of the subscription so you can try out many different games to find what you actually want to play)


Leramar89 t1_j23dww4 wrote

I dunno. Sleeping Dogs, The Messenger, Mad Max, Vanquish?


xMercerx OP t1_j23jihj wrote

loved Sleeping Dogs. just got Mad Max. will check out the others.


JohnLocke815 t1_j23o6jy wrote

Based on the wealth of info you've given us about what types of games you enjoy and what systems you're on I'd have to say... Who knows ?