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WaruWaruWaru t1_j29s3ob wrote

Reply to comment by TequilaWhiskey in Cyberpunk 77 in dec 22 by [deleted]

Sorry your computer or console is dogshit :( Played at 60+ fps all the way through on my 1080 at launch.


Margenen t1_j29zxq9 wrote

I got the PC version months after release since it was on sale and I assumed bugs were fixed. While it wasn't imploding, there were quite a few bugs that made the game more difficult and annoying to play. Vehicles spawning inside one another and exploding, glitchy Npcs, dialogue freezing up for 30 seconds in between lines, quest objectives not being recognized, etc. Eventually a lot of those were fixed, but the game was in a pretty bad state for a while regardless of your hardware


tehsax t1_j2ai19o wrote

Yeah, not everyone is used to playing buggy early access shit. Most people prefer their games to have a certain level of polish. Framerate doesn't mean the game works.


TequilaWhiskey t1_j29s9cb wrote

Nice, defend terrible business practice! Smart idea!


WaruWaruWaru t1_j29scec wrote

Oh you’re dumb. Sorry dude go play w rocks


TequilaWhiskey t1_j29sg6i wrote

You gonna pretend they didnt sell a faulty product?


WaruWaruWaru t1_j29snsg wrote

The game being playable and CDPR’s handling of CP77 are two different issues. Go bark up a tree who cares and hasn’t played it to completion. Again, rocks, they might be easier to understand! Have a good day


TequilaWhiskey t1_j29sur3 wrote

Okay so you are going to. Gotcha.


Weztside t1_j2a310c wrote

The product I played wasn't faulty. The PC version worked on day 1.


TequilaWhiskey t1_j2acxmb wrote

Thats irrelvant. Thats like saying "Well the brakes on my car worked fine, who cares about those other dead families."

And if you do bring in the issues from ps4/xbox one, you could almost call it a scam.

I dont even get defending CDPR on this. Youd have to be in denial to not admit they fucked up with the game launch overall including lots of PC issues.


Weztside t1_j2adlud wrote

That's an awful analogy. No one died because of Cyberpunk. Some people got a bad product. Some people got a good product. It differs based on the platform. Saying that you bought a working product is not the same as saying CDPR did nothing wrong. Get off your high horse. It's a fucking video game not a product killing people.