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CaptainOk8280 t1_j2bv6vl wrote

Reply to comment by Null-Ex3 in Cyberpunk 77 in dec 22 by [deleted]

It might be their first (or small collection of gaming experiences) big game of the cyber punk/open world series.

Its kinda like skyrim, hardcore Morrowind and oblivion players hate Skyrim due to how washed down and dead rpg elements are and how bugy skyrim was. But casual players fcking love it, just look at the mod support it has those fans carry skyrim.

But the reason people believe in CDPR is because they made an insanely good game (witcher 3) which fans use to deflect most of Cyberpunks issues (covid, hack drama, crunchy lunch time (heh), bad leadership affected the game and not the devs themselfs). This allows the fans to have hope that the game might reach a better potential than before (the last 2 dlcs seems to push it to a better direction).

Lets be fair Cyberpunk is not what marketing promised (its a looter shoter instead of a rpg) and full of bugs. But when the game works, its a god dam goldmine.


Null-Ex3 t1_j2c1k86 wrote

In my opinion, when cyberpunk is at its peak, its just decent. Maybe a little fun to play, maybe a little interesting but ultimately, nothing special. Cyberpunk simply fails to give me any feeling that i dint have in other shooters. It doesn’t have the same quality of mechanics like stalker, It dosent have the same immersive story of fallout new vegas or skyrim, It doesent have the mind blowing endlessly addicting gameplay of games like elden ring, it dosent have the interesting physics and ways to manipulate the enviorment of games like half life or breath of the wild and it dosent have the same freedom of gta. I have many gripes with cyberpunk and while in the beginning they were extremly serious gripes like the ai or the upgrades, now after update after update and patch after patch there is no massive game breaking thing i can point too and say “this is unacceptable, this needs to change and it needs to change now” nowadays cyberpunk is.. fine. The story is good, the gameplay is well… unbalanced but can be fun but ultimately there isnt anything special about it. If i wasnt so excited for the game and if it wasnt so critically acclaimed, and if it wasnt so terrible at launch and just released the way it is now, I genuinely think i wouldn’t remember it. Its not terrible anymore but it does nothing to separate itself from other games. I guess theres that cyberpunk vibe which for some reason very few games seem to tap into but other than that, its just… there… the gameplay is fun at its best but games like doom eternal are already fun. It has a good vibe sure but a vibe wont bring me back to a game over and over again. An atmosphere and theme simply isnt enough for me. I think the best most memorable thing about the game is its story, and its genuinely good. Probably the main reason so many people are so passionate about this game. And yeah once again, its really good. But to me personally, its not better than the likes of red dead or the witcher. And both of those games had amazing gameplay to back it up as well as decent launches and cyberpunk… just doesn’t. Ultimately cyberpunk fails to wow me in any particular way and at this stage, i dont think it ever will. Im interested and excited to see where they take the ip but idk think the game will suddenly outpace the likes of gta and make itself truly a household name as it once had the chance to do. But hey, maybe im wrong, maybe the game really is amazing at it just isnt for me.

Edit: holy shit this is long sorry lmao