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flickynips OP t1_j6p1c7t wrote

Idk man. 00 agent is legit difficult. Also, trying to complete the level as fast as you can to enable a certain cheat makes it so fun. I spent hours trying to unlock the infinite ammo cheat. Mayhaps it's just me.


SocksOnHands t1_j6pcxzb wrote

It's "legit difficult" because you barely have any control. I tried playing it the other day and gave up after about an hour of frustration. I don't want to be too hard on it, because I know first person shooter controls hadn't been well established at the time and I don't remember having such a hard time when I was a kid. If there is a more modern control scheme (instead of splitting looking and moving the way that it does), it would be a lot easier. I just can't wrap my head around it now.


pizzaphilter t1_j6pab97 wrote

Nope not just you at all, put my ps4 remote down for awhile to grind this game out again