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DaBear1222 t1_j6c62yy wrote

Red dead 2 is great, good story crazy situation to get into and you can throw dynamite at people


Arachnarokin OP t1_j6c66mc wrote

We have it, and we played it, but we both found the controls to be too finicky on console unfotunately, thank you though


DaBear1222 t1_j6c6c8e wrote

Sorry to hear, I’m usually not much of a rockstar fan for the same reason but rd2 claws better for me. Doom was mentioned earlier and that is probably my best suggestion other then gears of war with their chainsaw gun to cut people in half


Arachnarokin OP t1_j6c6g24 wrote

Yeah, it's a great game other than the controls, and yeah, I think doom is potentially a good option for her