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e-rekshun t1_j6ks8fx wrote

I had one but I seem to remember mine being of a different format. I thought it was a bit slimmer but longer.

Maybe I'm misremembering because it was a looong time ago

Edit nah it was the same remote it's coming back to me now after looking at some more pictures.


Auth3nticRory t1_j6lf8pt wrote

I thought mine was slimmer and longer too actually


Quake2Marine t1_j6mutt6 wrote

I believe the PlayStation 3 remote was the skinny long one, but it has been decades so I may be misremembering.


Auth3nticRory t1_j6mv5vd wrote

Yea. It was def ps2 because I was excited about the dvd player aspect of it. There was a little IR sensor you plugged into the controller port. It’s been so long so I guess that’s it and my mind is just messing with me.


king_27 t1_j6n6wb9 wrote

I had one and I definitely remember it being slimmer and longer. Maybe a regional thing? Got mine in South Africa.

Edit: actually seeing another comment mentioning the PS3 one being slimmer and longer I'm starting to wonder if that's the one I had.