Submitted by GKenelly t3_10og4ot in gaming

I’m 34, almost 35, and I think that my fave console has to be the first PlayStation. It was the first time that fully 3D games became the norm rather than a display of tech prowess. As a child I had a Sega Megadrive (which is also an amazing console) but when I got a PS1 for Christmas and played Spyro I was hooked! This was the future lol! God I wish I could experience those days again.



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stingertc t1_j6edcqk wrote

Xbox 360 is my personal favorite. It had all the right games and hardware


Samael13 t1_j6edxva wrote

Dreamcast - I've loved a lot of consoles in my days, but the Dreamcast still holds a special place. So many great/weird/awesome games, and it came out at a perfect time in my life when I was living with friends, so we'd all crowd on the couch and play stuff like Powerstone. Good times.


Lychee247 t1_j6ee2mz wrote

The Xbox 360 was my first definitely enjoyed it

Now I have ps4 and xboxserisx they both very fun to play different games


skwadyboy t1_j6eis3r wrote

My favourite console would have to be the super Nintendo, it had so many great games...but if we include computers too id probably choose the amiga, that had some really good games too.


MHunter1A t1_j6em0h3 wrote

TurboGrafx-16 had the best ecosystem with TurboStick and TurboBooster plus TurboExpress portable.


kubelke t1_j6enoqx wrote

Steam Deck. But I’ve great memories with almost every console I had (except Nintendo Wii, 3DS, Xbox One X and PS4)

PS1, PSP, Xbox 360 (first multiplayer games with randoms, some of them become a true friends that I meet in person later) PS3


twonha t1_j6f73f1 wrote

I've always been a PC gamer. There was, however, a time period between early '07 and late '10 that my PC was a little out of date, and I gamed primarily on Xbox 360. The list of absolutely awesome games I enjoyed on that platform feels endless, and with the dawn of easy online multiplayer, Achievements and downloadable indie games, that console generation felt like a whole new world:

New IP: Crackdown, Gears of War, Bioshock, Assassin's Creed, Enslaved, Deadlight, Braid, Limbo, Splosion Man;

New worlds within IP: Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter, Star Wars: the Force Unleashed, Halo Wars, Race Pro;

Next-gen sequels: Halo 3, Forza Motorsport 2, Call of Duty 4, Grand Theft Auto 4, Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway, Red Dead Redemption;

Sequels within the generation: GTA4 DLC and GTA5, Halo ODST, Reach and 4, Forza Motorsport 3 and 4, Assassin's Creed 2 and Brotherhood, Gears of War 2

From 2010 onward I upgraded my PC again and slowly switched back to the mouse and keyboard, but I'll always look back fondly on the X360 generation.


Pretty_Researcher157 t1_j6f7z5r wrote

PSX as that's the one I played with my mates side by side on a settee. The best fun gaming that there is


DAGBx69 t1_j6fus1u wrote

PS5, until the PS5 Pro and then the...


darkfalzx t1_j6g5c6f wrote

Sega Saturn all the way! PS1 3D games looked impressive, but Saturn 3D looked straight up impossible - like a 2D system being pushed far beyond its limits. Also, god-tier 2D!


AcrobaticSecretary29 t1_j6h4phe wrote

It's gonna be a tie between the n64 and super nintendo. If handhelds are included the original gameboy wins hands down, the amount of hours I put into that as a kid would be ridiculous


DiamondDustVIII t1_j6jpxqa wrote

Super NES, for a lot of the same reasons that you mentioned, just bumped back a generation. All my friends had the NES growing up, and when my parents finally relented and bought me a "Nintendo", the Super NES had just come out and it was amazing. So many colors! 96 levels in Super Mario World! The possibilities! It's still my favorite to this day, although the PS2 is really high up the list, too.


sdurflinger t1_j6emm2s wrote

NES. I liked Playstation but I never got to own one, had to go to a friend's house to play it