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yetForget t1_j6movcg wrote

Coming soon on PlayStation Move and Microsoft Kinect! Alpha Centauri: PARTY!

Legendary designer Sid Meier presents the next evolution in strategy games; dance, jump, wave and crouch your way through the most compelling gameplay the Alpha Centaui series has ever seen!

  • Import your favourite Avatars or Miis to enhance the gaming experience - no need to belong to any of the impersonal factions of the original.

  • Who needs a mouse?! Units, diplomacy and city management are all controlled by waving your arms about! You will have to stand up constantly through a 40 hour game session, but you'll LOSE WEIGHT and GET FIT at the same time!

  • Original title a little too ‟deep”? Enjoy our new streamlined game mechanics.We have removed everything that required you to think and replaced it with minigames at the end of EVERY turn! Can YOU beat your competitors at Mind Worm bowling? Or how about a game of Sister Miriam's Karaoke Kompeition?

  • Who wants social commentary in games? We've removed all that ‟depressing” storyline and music and replaced it with a Nu-Metal and Emo soundtrack that will set your head on FIRE and a storyline focusing on a wise cracking, renegade space marine who just wants to get back to Earth in one piece!

  • Boring flat graphics getting your down? All menus are now rendered in FULL 3D, giving you the depth of field you never dreamed possible, throwing the title into the modern era.



turgidlyAlly t1_j6mozev wrote

Well there was an expansion: Alien Crossfire

And there's a Civ4 mod called Planetfall.

but yeah. Smac is still the best of the series.


EarlGrey_Picard t1_j6mq81w wrote

It's a shame the spiritual successor Beyond Earth was so damn blah.


SolidZealousideal115 t1_j6mv949 wrote

I played the Morganites with a highly efficient green economy. The Gians loved me.


Faerthoniel t1_j6mw2x2 wrote

Gaian. Mind worms and, later, the locusts to just stomp over everything when I got the chance.


Idontknowanymore8000 t1_j6n2cs9 wrote

Sid should really release something new again, I think civilization 6 is just beating a dead horse at this point.


Wooland t1_j6n30lx wrote

I still think of and use quotes from this game regularly, like "Our ancestors harnessed the power of a sun, so again shall we" or "Code to your hearts content".


UncomfortableReview t1_j6nw0s6 wrote

Which is available on GOG.

Please don't go...the drones need you...they look up to you.


MikeWise1618 t1_j6ozbtt wrote

Loved this game and so did my son. The ability to design custom units was awesome and didn't get to explore that enough. Wonder if you can a copy that would run on a modern desktop.


reezy619 t1_j6p8c91 wrote

It's a shame they never made a successor to this game.