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ChristopherSchmitz t1_j6epmx5 wrote

The gameplay was fantastic but the game itself was riddled with problems, which ultimately distracted people from its strengths.


jubejubes96 OP t1_j6eunul wrote

makes sense. it’s my first shooter in years after having a sour taste in my mouth from previous games, so maybe my expectations were low lol


4K40FPS t1_j6g00q0 wrote

Lmao what problems exactly?


ChristopherSchmitz t1_j6g0p9e wrote

A lot of bugs, crashing, glitches, that sort of thing. I remember a bug where a plane's engine noise would play for the entire match, and it could be heard across the entire map. And after they patched that out there was the same thing with the parachute flares. Also, visibility was a massive issue as well. People could just lie down and practically disappear.


4K40FPS t1_j6g3loe wrote

LOL you might be right actually i only started playing during pacific dlc and didn't have much of any bugs