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SubmarineThrowaway22 t1_j7b5t5t wrote

Reply to comment by SKULL1138 in Diving with a shark by chemistrynerd1994

I think I'll just keep admiring sharks from a good safe distance.

They're cool as hell, but you don't simply stop evolving unless you're already perfect, and sharks haven't really changed in the last million or so years. I guess being nothing but teeth and muscle is about as good as you can get in the ocean.


ArenSteele t1_j7bry43 wrote

If you do any dives around Hawaii in the tourist spots, there’s a good chance to see Grey Reef Sharks. Usually about 4-5 feet long and really have a classic shark “look” but aren’t that aggressive with humans.


twoinvenice t1_j7c8ei3 wrote

Diving with sharks is really amazing, they really are beautiful and want absolutely nothing to do with divers. Getting good pictures is really difficult.

I’ve done cage diving with great whites (which was absolutely fucking increasingly), and lots of non cage diving where I’ve seen all manner of reef sharks, silky, galapagos, lemon sharks, threshers, wobbegongs, and whale sharks.

Still have managed to get blanked on bulls, tigers, and hammerheads but I know that if I do a dive trip to the Galápagos Islands I can cross that one off.


SubmarineThrowaway22 t1_j7cdced wrote

I'll live that kind of moment vicariously through you.

I prefer to be above the ocean, not in it.