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ProfessorFunky t1_j7qzcjw wrote

Reply to comment by painful_butterflies in Pissed by linuxknight

I was looking at it thinking getting two pints for a fiver was from the time of myth and legend that was the early 00’s.


TomSurman t1_j7r3vrd wrote

In my university days, in the mid-2000s, a £2 coin was a beer token.


more_beans_mrtaggart t1_j7rf87q wrote

There’s a club in Coventry that’s £1 in, and £1/pint.


TomSurman t1_j7rfho5 wrote

There is no amount of money you could pay me to spend time in a club in Coventry.


r_a_d_ t1_j7rj8ck wrote

2 quid in year 2500 is cheap for a pint.


painful_butterflies t1_j7qzje3 wrote

I remember having a night out plus taxi home for less than £40 and having a head like an elephant stamped on it the next day. Today thats barely the taxi fare!


BostonClippers t1_j7s5xo0 wrote

Damn there’s a pub where I live in Australia where you can get 2 pints for $6 gbp