donkeylore t1_j8q69ex wrote
W dad
reepicheep900 OP t1_j8qe5gd wrote
Urablahblah t1_j8re86w wrote
Username checks out.
This is awesome, though I doubt the Lego company will make any set based off of something so explicitly Christian. Yes, they're doing some LOTR sets, but it's not a direct allegory like Narnia.
I bet your kids love it though! Great work!
reepicheep900 OP t1_j8rmpe4 wrote
Thanks for the feedback!
I know Narnia has a strong fan base both secular and religious - so hopeful LEGO will open up the Narnia universe! There are so many potential sets and novel minifigs that could be built in this line - I think it would draw in LEGO fans from LOTR, Castle, Fantasy, etc!
GamerGrunt t1_j8pd3sy wrote
Very nice!
reepicheep900 OP t1_j8pdw7i wrote
Thank you!
fillup17 t1_j8pe4o0 wrote
Super cool, supported on Lego!
reepicheep900 OP t1_j8pg22f wrote
Hey! Thanks for taking the time to comment and I'm grateful for the support!
Okashi_dorobou t1_j8qe3el wrote
Even your username is Narnian! Good job!
reepicheep900 OP t1_j8qgahb wrote
Thanks for checking it out!
B3tray3rr t1_j8q5fvx wrote
The trees are great hey! Great job :)
reepicheep900 OP t1_j8qe0dj wrote
Glad you like them, thanks for the note!
Braeburn251 t1_j8r0tl0 wrote
THAT... Is nothing but awesome!
reepicheep900 OP t1_j8rkx5h wrote
Kind of you! Thanks for your support!
jtstonge t1_j8rfl98 wrote
Great editing work!
reepicheep900 OP t1_j8rkxsg wrote
Zebleblic t1_j8reijc wrote
How do you sort your lego? Our kid is turning 4 and loves lego, but over a month or two they all get broken. Yesterday I spent over 8 hours looking for pieces to rebuild his castle. I've been sorting by color, but still you gota look through 20000 lego pieces for a specific one.
reepicheep900 OP t1_j8rl6we wrote
We mainly sort by part/function now that our collection has grown. i.e. 1x1 bricks, 1x2 bricks, slopes, hinge pieces, etc.
There are some exceptions to this for colors that we have more of (sorted by color and part/function).
We recently rebuilt some sets and it was a pretty smooth process compared to when we sorted by color alone.
Zebleblic t1_j8t2szo wrote
What do you use for storage?
reepicheep900 OP t1_j8usjzl wrote
u/Zebleblic for years we used slider ziplock bags. Now we're using a mix of ziplock bags and small stacking plastic bins. Storing most pieces in IKEA ALEX drawer units.
Zebleblic t1_j8w0csh wrote
I like those units. What kind of dividers are you using inside the drawers? How many units did you need? Are you using the 5 or 9 drawers?
reepicheep900 OP t1_j8woaji wrote
u/Zebleblic - we have the 9 drawer unit. I'd like to have two of them, but don't have the space. Using some off-brand clear plastic/stackable trays in the drawers.
Zebleblic t1_j8x6djv wrote
Any chance you can post a photo of it to give me some ideas I can copy?
reepicheep900 OP t1_j95n1z9 wrote
Sure - I'll grab a photo and send it over soon!
Zebleblic t1_j95nd2f wrote
Thanks :)
reepicheep900 OP t1_j97xpyb wrote
Just sent you a DM.
Zebleblic t1_j984rtk wrote
I didn't receive it.
reepicheep900 OP t1_j987q8h wrote
Strange - here's a link:
Zebleblic t1_j98p4ca wrote
Oh nice. That works pretty well.
Fancy_Female t1_j8syuzr wrote
3d printed or what?
reepicheep900 OP t1_j8urzj0 wrote
Hey! Thanks for the question! I designed this and built it out of available LEGO pieces - from many different sets. Everything is real LEGO. I made the custom decals.
[deleted] t1_j8ox1on wrote