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t1_j8xfthr wrote

Legit…45 now and still have the occasional tar man nightmare. Love this movie tho. And the soundtrack.

Fun fact…the director of this…wrote the original Alien movie.


t1_j8zytar wrote

And Peter Jackson, before showing us the glory of middle earth, made a film about an aussie slaying zombified townsfolk infected by a deep jungle rat mokey thing.

It's amazing how strange the previous works of many celebrated artists usually end up being.


t1_j8zzxlt wrote

That movie was called Dead Alive aka Braindead. Also, don't forget about Bad Taste, another crazy campy horror movie he was involved in.


t1_j900rja wrote

Never seen bad taste, but dear God is dead alive phenomenal. The number of quotable lines and stupid out of context scenes alone make it a must watch, but add in the gratuitous practical effects....well worth it to watch it.