Lev_Astov t1_ja9ny3o wrote
WTF is this title?
Rallye_Man340 t1_jaa1cvb wrote
Haven’t you ever didn’t fear and rescued bro?
ICantKnowThat t1_jaa8etz wrote
When you doesn't afraid of anything, nothing is off-limits
yourgifmademesignup t1_jacfej0 wrote
I doesn’t scare nobody of!!
sunbeam60 t1_jacgg4q wrote
Haven’t you ever watched Didn’t Fear and Rescued in Las Vegas?! Amazing film.
mothzilla t1_jaaj629 wrote
Have you ever have a dream that you want that you could do that you fear and rescued?
Se7enLC t1_jaauxlx wrote
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
Lev_Astov t1_jabllx9 wrote
This is my favorite word salad. I memorized it years ago so I could confuse people in conversations. It really breaks unprepared brains.
From_The_Balcony t1_jaazzbc wrote
[deleted] t1_jab4vs7 wrote
Slamyul t1_jaaoet1 wrote
(The man) didn't fear (falling in the water) and rescued (the dog) is my guess lol
QuietlyQuibbling t1_jac8brq wrote
Good guess. Written by a bot is my guess.
lukusmloy t1_jacags7 wrote
Nono, m178Music is a totally human handle.
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