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lionheart2243 t1_jc8d148 wrote

I don’t see how someone could mention anything NSFW about a dude playing with his cock.


Decmk3 t1_jc6htxk wrote

I know you’ve asked to keep it safe for work but C’mon! You’re literally setting us up for jokes!


rhunn98 t1_jc9v15u wrote

And people downvoting all the puns .. because OP is asking for something impossible smh


GuerillaKoopa t1_jc79fo2 wrote

So I'm new to chickens but old homeowner left a mom and her 2 chicks just roaming the property. I've been raising them and one turned out to be a rooster. He's been super chill but yesterday I was wearing red and he tried to dropkick me lol tried again and I just kind of pushed him aside with my boot and he dropped it. couple questions if ya know. What's it like to get scratched by one of them? What's the best way to train em not to? Let em out this morning and think he was trying to square up with my boot lol It's the first time he's tried stuff like that, they don't let me touch em but they'll eat out of my hand.


duckduckohno t1_jc80lfm wrote

I've raised over 70 chickens. A scratch from a rooster talon hurts but it's not bad. You'll often bleed when attacked by an aggressive roo so kids need to be protected against the mean ones. The spurs on the back of their legs is also pretty dangerous but you can take those off using pliers without harming the bird. You can't really train them not to be aggressive, unlike dogs, chickens can be trained but it takes a lot of dedicated work that's not very suitable for outdoor or backyard chickens. Be the alpha, chickens have a pecking order so a gentle but firm boot kick can be enough to tell the roo to back off. If you continue to have problems with the roo that makes it dangerous for kids, people, or the flock, please consider removing the rooster from the others via separation.


GuerillaKoopa t1_jc84unp wrote

Thank you for the info, fingers crossed he learned his lesson. He's usually pretty calm so I'm hoping It was just the red or something. He is getting quite big though so he may be getting more cocky.


emptybottleofdoom t1_jc90o2o wrote

Keep the sane one or ones. The rest? Chicken soup. I thought everyone who kept birds did that.

As long as he's just attacking the toy, no big deal. Going after people though...


Battlepuppy t1_jca3vhj wrote

Depending upon the breed, they can be sweet, like cuddles, rooster included.

You can pick them up when it's dark. They like the chest rubbed, but not too hard, gently.

There is clockwork going on in those heads they don't have a lot of control over.

Put him in the right situation, and the rooster program turns on, and he's going to be an instant asshole. If he gets into fight, protect, or mate mode.

Girls are his trigger.

He's not going to care if it's mom and sister.


CaveManta t1_jc8besc wrote

Look at the size of that pecker


ThicklyApplicationed t1_jc7rxyw wrote

In the next video can you show us how to stroke your cock? The SFW version


[deleted] t1_jc7azxk wrote

Playing with your cock


Oswarez t1_jc7t8pn wrote

That rooster is looking to fuck that toy up though.


10_Virtues t1_jc8f4bc wrote

Just don’t play MTG with him.

Edit. What no one appreciates a good South Park reference?


Marsrover112 t1_jc8m84h wrote

Yeah I do that every night. I'm sorry I couldn't not


salvageyardmex t1_jc8smb2 wrote

It reminds me of when the chickens see a mouse run through the grass, they chase it down and (play) with it the same way. Or when you put them up to a mirror. But who am I to judge on your training routine.


[deleted] t1_jc8uviy wrote

He's a very handsome boy.


Molasess t1_jc981t3 wrote

"dude all I'm saying is that I just love playing with my cock all day"


Taleya t1_jc9zu35 wrote

I'm so glad you let him have the toy at the end, i hate cock teasers.


KRed75 t1_jc8qz1o wrote

You should see what they do to a mouse.


darkerwar6 t1_jc8kyr0 wrote

We use different videos my friend
