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Nancyb23 t1_jc8rzpv wrote

Wtf why is this so cute?!


DampBritches t1_jc92w20 wrote

It's the outfits


pow3llmorgan t1_jc9d7u2 wrote

Specifically the hats and the too large high-vis vests


laz33hr t1_jc9rkky wrote

And their little steps


mint_me t1_jc9rzyn wrote

It’s so good


consiliac t1_jc9s3gz wrote

I'm thinking this is probably Japan, where kids are dressed adorably as a matter of course, hahaha. The society needs the smiles for sure.


make_love_to_potato t1_jc9uhkg wrote

I wonder if this is Japan. In the smaller Japanese cities, I would see kids dressed like this, with hats and oversized rain gear, on their way home from school. All the kids in the class would form a huge line and hold hands and the teachers would guide them home or wherever they were going. It was the cutest thing ever.


macbathie t1_jcamoxj wrote

Don't forget about the little bounce with each step!