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MSGRiley t1_jck05q2 wrote

Slowly? not in a hurry? WTF does the sign on the building say?


LusciousRichard t1_jck75ob wrote

Your pixel art is so clean looking, it's really satisfying to look at.

The inclusion of your username/signature as graffiti within the world is a nice touch.


m_brudi t1_jck75xv wrote

love it! there was a very similiar building in my city


MatingTime t1_jckabtg wrote

Now make Wreck it Ralph climb up the side near the end.


Amekaze t1_jckfj94 wrote

Good job. At first glance I thought it was a photo.


zcas t1_jckgwo6 wrote

The more I looked at it the more it came alive. Nice work.


seroleg t1_jckr950 wrote

Во-первых, это красиво.


zcas t1_jcl74ir wrote

How did you make it? I see these and I was always curious how they're done. Is it a certain program where you make a scene and edit it frame by frame? I'm a sucker for details.


AnStation OP t1_jclbgkl wrote

I use two programs, the first Aseprite, and the second let it remain a secret) it's a long tedious drawing, yes it is, and I have to put it off and come back after a while. I quit a lot of jobs without finishing them. Animation is not such a tedious process as drawing


captainsquawks t1_jcm0m5s wrote

You found the beautiful in the ordinary.

Смотрится и банально и интересно, неприятно и красиво, холодно и тепло.

Я не торопился, хотя часто тороплюсь.