Spiritual-Parking570 t1_jddpy0j wrote
I'm not Muslim. I'm not vegan. I talk to animals. pigs are too smart to eat. my neighbors pig was loose, and i told her to get back in her pen and she just walked right back in. i had been talking to her for about a minute before i told her, and she was grunting back. maybe random, but she didn't walk away from me after. she turned and looked at me. If an animal i have never had any interaction with can understand words and commands from a stranger that means they have some grasp of language. pigs are so much smarter than chickens.
Jimmni t1_jddx5j8 wrote
Would being a muslim or vegan have prevented you from utilising your Doolittle powers?
LyingBloodyLiar t1_jde3kld wrote
Vegans are tough on things like that
scoff-law t1_jdeb2kj wrote
Anyone can talk to animals. Getting them to talk back is the trick.
Spiritual-Parking570 t1_jdgceqh wrote
it always surprises me when an animal starts making noise back at me.
noiwontpickaname t1_jdeqq2f wrote
Tbf that is a lvl 5 vegan power
Spiritual-Parking570 t1_jdgcav0 wrote
i dont know... it usually only works with cats... maybe a brain parasite shared between species, but probably just too much reddit.
__PETTYOFFICER117__ t1_jdef8e8 wrote
If you can recognize that pigs are too smart to eat, where do you draw the line? I personally went vegan when I saw a video of horrific abuses happening at a dairy farm and realized I couldn't contribute to that in any way, and subsequently began questioning my justification for any animal products I consumed.
Then it became a game of "if I'm not eating this why am I okay eating this".
Some cows are just as smart as some pigs or dogs. And if you begin to examine the moral considerations involved in measuring intelligence to determine if a being deserves to live, for me that was what led to just going full vegan.
JaggedSuplex t1_jdegf6g wrote
I’ve been dealing with this since I got a dog. I’ve found it very difficult to honestly say I’m an animal lover while consuming them. Being able to buy meat at the store or at a restaurant makes it easy to ignore how it got there. I hope lab grown meat becomes a viable option soon
rayjdragonballz t1_jdeqy0d wrote
It's the cognitive dissonance. Once you earnestly decide to be honest with yourself, it's like a switch flips
bfiabsianxoah t1_jdi05zr wrote
Earthling Ed on youtube really helped settle this for me
[deleted] t1_jdelwhy wrote
grammarpopo t1_jdeobj5 wrote
You eat your dogs?
JaggedSuplex t1_jdez7pz wrote
No but rereading my post it definitely sounds like I do. I just meant having a pet changed my connection with animals in general
grammarpopo t1_jdezy1n wrote
I know you don’t eat dogs. I was just kidding with you. With my username I just couldn’t resist. Please forgive me!
Spiritual-Parking570 t1_jdgdhmd wrote
your dog would love to go hunting with you.
grammarpopo t1_jdeo6je wrote
I too have worked at dairies and hate that industry with a passion. I mostly don’t drink milk or other dairy, and will stop completely with the new genetically engineered products that are available and soon becoming available. I’m sorry for dairy farmers, but it is an industry that needs to go out of business for many reasons - animal abuse, environmental damage, worker safety, nuisance and not-so-nuisance odors in addition to their massive global warming impact.
grammarpopo t1_jdenhv6 wrote
I agree. I’m Jewish-ish so technically shouldn’t eat pork. But I don’t eat pork because I raised pigs as a kid and teen, and they are so much fun, so smart, and so cute I couldn’t bring myself to send them to the place they were supposed to go. I was too attached. But I was forced to, so I just stopped raising them and eating them. I love pigs of all sizes.
AmazingMojo2567 t1_jdecjiv wrote
Muslims don't eat pork. Talking to a pig isn't in the Quran, so I'm sure it's fine. And again, veganism has nothing to do with talking to animals.
skpicky t1_jdfc90w wrote
I get what you're saying, but until a pig speaks to me in a human language, I'm going to keep eating them.
but_why_is_it_itchy t1_jdfv68t wrote
I don’t think you understand what they’re saying at all.
“This animal is sentient and doesn’t deserve to be factory farmed into an existence of nothing but immense suffering just to be my snack.”
“Yeah, but they can’t talk like me, tho…bacon”
If sentience or intelligence doesn’t affect your choices then why on earth would language acquisition make any difference?
bfiabsianxoah t1_jdhzvsy wrote
I get what you're saying, but until a baby speaks to me in a human language, I'm going to keep eating them.
Gwekker t1_jdibz3v wrote
Do you also eat disabled people that lack the cognitive capacity to speak?
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