sirfuzzitoes t1_jdqn4uu wrote
Top notch quality assurance
[deleted] t1_jdqvzay wrote
Omnimpotent t1_jdr00jh wrote
oneflytree t1_jdr89fk wrote
I used to be a caulk inspector. I miss the guys 😒
KingHuzz t1_jds171h wrote
If he inspects the caulk then who inspects the cock?
The cock caulk inspector inspector?
The_Monarch_89 t1_jds3i50 wrote
Sorry your mom lost her job
JohnnyPolite t1_jds3y8r wrote
That’s the caulk cock.
BushWookie-Alpha t1_jds4xh7 wrote
Nice Caulk
4RCH43ON t1_jdsav6x wrote
Caulk eggspert.
AlpacaLocks t1_jdsxt87 wrote
This can't be real.
mrgenier t1_jdt1xyx wrote
A cock watching caulk
austins2fresh t1_jdt4ndk wrote
The cock caulk inspector
BoxxerUOP t1_jdt5ida wrote
That’s a lot of cock/calk
30tpirks t1_jdt87rw wrote
Takes one to know one?
CaveManta t1_jdtapt0 wrote
He looks caulky.
murph_diver t1_jdtbfsc wrote
Beat me to it
The_Sleep t1_jdti3gf wrote
The cock baulks at your caulk.
xStandTheMoviex t1_jdtiwvm wrote
Good bead, but is that glass set directly on the tile...? I haven't done shower installation for long, but that's crazy to me.
IAmRules t1_jdtu4mp wrote
When you order a caulk inspector on wish
cam9life t1_jdtu619 wrote
McCully Caulkin
_Ahri_ t1_jdtu97u wrote
caulking inspector, or... like... cock?
vivalavega27 t1_jdtunca wrote
Just needs a little hard hat and a tie
kodaa43 t1_jdtv9cy wrote
And now the guy doing the caulking is also a cock inspector
andyman171 t1_jdtw3pc wrote
You all have some fowl minds
[deleted] t1_jdtxcxk wrote
Trewarin t1_jdu1h39 wrote
Nice caulk, bro
ratamack t1_jdu4ayg wrote
That's a great gun, I have it too. Shocking how much better a $11 dollar gun is over a $3 home Depot special.
george_147 t1_jduantl wrote
Don’t cock it up then
dizzyhobo t1_jduf6ay wrote
I was hoping he'd peck at it like " You missed a spot Gregg."
Maulthepizzaman t1_jdugyha wrote
Why is a rooster in a shower with a cock gun?
kpidhayny t1_jduq0dn wrote
Or did they only have a bush inspector?
kpidhayny t1_jduq8s8 wrote
Why is it that chickenheads always make the best caulk inspectors?
Dart_Dukii t1_jdurzbh wrote
No the glass is raised on a brick which iscemented then tiled over. This is the way
troppoli t1_jduzha7 wrote
Caulk blocker if he doesn't like what he sees.
CaulkSqueeze t1_jdv4302 wrote
Good stuff
bimalesubslave t1_jdvs4yb wrote
I'm really good with caulk. I like to take care of as much caulk as possible all at once, because you'll likely get your clothes dirty.
bimalesubslave t1_jdvs9dk wrote
I see what you did there, caulkalorian.
magicbobcat t1_jdyhnkz wrote
he's so serious about his job!
Affectionate_Exam155 t1_je42yvy wrote
we ensure maximum quality in our services
Affectionate-Date-51 t1_je64t79 wrote
OMG!!! So hilarious!!!!
TimeSuck3000 t1_jdqmfnd wrote
Caulk a doodle doo!