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joyousjoyness OP t1_ir5ou1i wrote

Yep, most of it has been to Nova Ukraine. I auctioned off the Zelenskyy foiled print to Operation USA, who also helps Ukraine. Donated over $2000 so far


rainbowcoloredsnot t1_ir6lk52 wrote

What charity do you use? Or how is the money funneled over there?


joyousjoyness OP t1_ir6lquz wrote

Nova Ukraine. I pay them directly through PayPal and send the invoice to the customer to show where their money went


rainbowcoloredsnot t1_ir6npfk wrote

Right on. Hope the money is getting to the people that need it. Not someone's pocket.


joyousjoyness OP t1_ir6nvdy wrote

Nova Ukraine is super grassroots and I believe something like 97% of the money goes to help Ukrainians. All the employees are volunteers with their own full-time jobs.