Alwaysunder_thegun t1_irgcino wrote
🎶 All my single Lions , All my single Lions ah ah oh.... 🎶
Butterbuddha t1_irgdpra wrote
Those are some big ass feet
thevelvetwaffle t1_irgeflv wrote
They are just beautiful. Thank you for posting this.
so2017 t1_irgikgt wrote
Right? Those paws are crazy.
FeudiLyric29_ t1_irgkzkh wrote
Pov your watching a high school movie and the mean popular girls are introduced
Xerosnake90 t1_irgnkw8 wrote
Such incredible creatures
HecticBlumpkin t1_irgrgae wrote
🎶buh-do-da do. Dat dooda. Dooo-da-do… I’mmmmm dreaming. of a white. Christmas!🎶
natalie813 t1_irgscqy wrote
🎶 aweem away aweem away 🎶
Dmoe33 t1_irgsod0 wrote
They need to be, need to be able to carry their weight while also assisting in ripping apart flesh and bones.
misterbee180 t1_irgvdmm wrote
So your thing hunny~
Husker_of_Corn t1_irgvgnw wrote
They always seem out of breath to me
EddieLobster t1_irgviea wrote
Why is there not music put to this. Someone????
RolloRocco t1_irgxec7 wrote
Any idea what country, or what city, is this in?
b1happyman t1_irh00dh wrote
Whoopsy-381 t1_irh02yx wrote
Needs to be slow motion.
artisanrox t1_irh17ov wrote
The lions may roar but these badass ladies own everything around him.
DeathLife97 t1_irh5orj wrote
I can see them moving to the female power ballad version of “Be Prepared.”
SQUEEMO24 t1_irhejjd wrote
This is in/around Gauteng, South Africa. Probably at the Lion Park in Rustenburg
glitter_h1ppo t1_irhpcdl wrote
murder mittens
Tankgirl_14 t1_irhq6j2 wrote
I am very sad that this wasn't accompanied by Staying Alive, simply because their steps match the beat.
Tankgirl_14 t1_irhq8gn wrote
Toe beans!
davemorris147 t1_irhrxn1 wrote
Reservoir Cats
the_wessi t1_irhwfx8 wrote
They are lions. They go where they want to.
WhootieCutie t1_iri25mn wrote
I feel like they definitely know how badass they look.
Elendur_Krown t1_iri4yfh wrote
That's only one lion. You've simply been drinking too much.
TritonJohn54 t1_iri5a2p wrote
Now *this* is a Girl Gang.
Hopelmantis t1_iri696i wrote
That was my exact same thought!
theveryrealreal t1_iri956j wrote
Sometimes when I'm stuck in traffic and I have no idea what is causing the backup I like to think something like this is going on
that-guy7480 t1_iri9902 wrote
That’s Michigan can’t use it for Lions…
Hmm your statement is accepted GO 🦁!
xxxxHawk1969xxxx t1_iri9lr2 wrote
Literally came here to post this lol
kickasstimus t1_iri9zt0 wrote
Well that’s just lazy programming
deadhead3173 t1_iria6dd wrote
Now put you paws up!
tungpunchmyfartbox t1_iriac4f wrote
The Sanderson sisters!
QuttiDeBachi t1_iriaear wrote
Romeo Must Die: Feline Armeggedon
“Where is that sumbitch? Gonna best that hoe down, c’mon sistah!”
Are_you_blind_sir t1_iriak0c wrote
Is it just me or does the one on the right look like Mike from breaking bad
S1ayer74_Pez t1_irid3xg wrote
Now THATS how you walk when you literally own everyone and the place! Who gonna F with them?
3-DMan t1_irid7lt wrote
nonnybaby t1_irid8ru wrote
Yeah. I bet their periods are also synced.
ForcyBo t1_irif1qe wrote
mackinoncougars t1_irigsgr wrote
Guy has his car window open. No fear.
Ghostenx t1_irjrntg wrote
Surely at that size they should be called Toe'tatoes.
ebrum2010 t1_isb3cxp wrote
Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew...
CptMurphy27 t1_irga80s wrote
🎶 On the CATWALK! 🎶