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endlive OP t1_iridfea wrote

from makeup and special effects company Distortions Unlimited


NukedNoodle t1_irkk20v wrote

So is this a haunted house setup that people walk through? I have so many questions. Also, that scared the crap out of me lol.


galacticboy2009 t1_irkyesp wrote

Yes. That's typically how haunted house / experiences work.


NukedNoodle t1_irm4jfx wrote

I know how haunted houses work very well but it almost looked like a store or some other setup.


galacticboy2009 t1_irmvc42 wrote

I would assume it's just a haunted experience type business, with the lights on.

A lot of the ones I've been to, were just rented warehouse space. Just a big open cement floored space, with a maze built in it.

Went to one that was in a strip mall, in a former grocery store.