Submitted by rainbowsprinkles_ t3_xzp7ic in gifs
MugCookie t1_iro52ax wrote
I love your piece may I ask how many years of drawing it took you to reach this lvl?
rainbowsprinkles_ OP t1_iroaof8 wrote
Thanks! It’s hard to say because it’s been really on and off. I used to draw a ton in high school but I would only do realistic art. Then in college I didn’t have time to do that kind of art but I doodled all the time in my notes and that style is the same as what I do now (wavy lines, patterns, geometric art, etc). I started taking it more seriously 3 years ago but took a 1.5 year break during covid lol and now just starting again!
MugCookie t1_iroiwgk wrote
Oh alright thx for your answer 🙏
Dry_Boots t1_irostk6 wrote
Your art is really beautiful! Good job getting back to it after the break.
rainbowsprinkles_ OP t1_irp2hk3 wrote
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