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Dry-Gulch-Slim t1_irvv7kh wrote

"My shitty webstore business is slowing down, better spam the rubes on reddit."


dm896 t1_irw0zh7 wrote

Hey Reddit, your Etsy is showing.


siverwolfe2000 t1_irwzvom wrote

"If you don't like my shitty webstore business down vote and move on" blah blah buy my rocks and wire


omgudontunderstand t1_iryb19d wrote

#what constitutes spam?

edit: under “how do i avoid being labeled as a spammer?”

>If your contributions to Reddit consist primarily of links to a business that you run, own, or otherwise benefit from, tread carefully


ItsAllJustASickGame t1_irvvjhm wrote

Go away you sad sack


gaybraham-lincoln t1_irvxf2u wrote

He’s not wrong, this is the 4th or 5th time I’ve seen this EXACT post, first time was probably a year ago


jannne t1_irw8t6m wrote

spot on, op's profile has their etsy shop pinned


babutterfly t1_irx7f9u wrote

Oh no. An artist promotes their work! The horror!


shifty_coder t1_irwd31q wrote

“Artist has the gall to promote and sell their own work! More on this shocking story at 11!”
