Alabussy OP t1_iszcu9b wrote
Everyone survived and was fine, at least according to the original source.
ohio_guy_2020 t1_iszd5bs wrote
That little boat was like “fuck this I’m leaving”.
GeneralBacteria t1_iszdbx1 wrote
nobody could have anticipated that ... /s
Jospehhh t1_isztvmu wrote
Just a freak BASE jumping accident, one in a million chance…
eloquentpetrichor t1_iszu6qq wrote
Probably wanted to get out of the way so the guy wouldn't land on his boat. Easier to survive a slowed fall into water than onto a boat
8MinuteAbs t1_it01w69 wrote
So who's to blame here?
MrBoognish t1_it04kyi wrote
Not a base jumper. But that last guy waited way to long pull his shoot. Maybe I'm wrong. Idk
seanbrockest t1_it0514b wrote
I think that's literally how the rule is written
markandspark t1_it0g8uk wrote
It doesn't look like he even tries to pull it, hard to tell though
LightsoutSD t1_it0p7m1 wrote
Well when people do it that closely it’s bound to happen sooner or later.
Zerowantuthri t1_it0q40v wrote
Doesn't look like the guy even tried. Just flew right through the other guy's chute.
Jospehhh t1_it1astd wrote
I should have added /s to my previous comment.
LightsoutSD t1_it1c9p3 wrote
I probably should’ve realized it anyway.
Odd_Status_9326 t1_it1womz wrote
Very fortunate for them that they survived.
Cyranoreddit t1_it357ou wrote
Did anyone else watch that with the wyle e coyote falling sound in their heads?
Remorseful_User t1_it3ckfm wrote
No coordination between the two platforms?
Quetzacoatel t1_iuckbjd wrote
"Hey, let's see if I can hit that bouncy castle in the sky"
swbooking t1_iszckmp wrote
Fuck. Hopefully the guy in the death spin slowed down enough to survive. That’s gonna hurt though