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badmadhat t1_ityp5a5 wrote

Very disturbing wish


TheNobleCannibal t1_ityqcnm wrote

Yeah my dreams are pretty much the same shit I do when I'm awake


[deleted] OP t1_ityqoym wrote



[deleted] OP t1_ityr24v wrote

That sounds lovely. I was thinking of starting a dream journal where I write down the dreams I can remember like that cuz they're so lovely that you want to live them again or maybe to a painting of them.


TheNobleCannibal t1_itys6js wrote

I dunno they can be pretty bad too. I had another freak where I was a kid again with ny little brother and we were out hiking and he was bit by a rattle snake and I couldn't get help and I watched him die.


humburga t1_ityx7jk wrote

I feel like it would be better at like 50% speed


louisme97 t1_itz22vm wrote

2004 called, they want their gifs back.


ferfuksakes t1_itz72bi wrote

That's kinda what doing lsd looks like


trebron55 t1_itz9paq wrote

That's the kind of stuff 60 year old people post on your page when you have a birthday...


MavNGoose t1_itzbouz wrote

This is gayer than unicorn farts


shpydar t1_itze3ml wrote

My dreams look like this ever since we here in Canada legalized.

Maybe do more drugs.


Wondrous_Fairy t1_itzem1j wrote

Learn how to visualize stories in your mind and your dreams will get ridiculously detailed too. This is both a good thing and a very BAD thing.


JustSomeCyborgDude t1_itzeod1 wrote

This is one of the chat background options for Kik messenger


xRockTripodx t1_itzewsz wrote

I think I had this trapper keeper when I was in 6th grade.


z500 t1_itzg3bk wrote

I had a dream with a cloud that looked like that, then it got nuked for some reason


Jojofernz t1_itzgnxs wrote

That would be a boring ass dream lol although the skies in my dreams look similar.


theveryrealreal t1_itzh73p wrote

Do you want seizures in your dreams? Because this is how you get seizures in your dreams


Knerrbo t1_itzkdxj wrote

Eat mushrooms you’ll see plenty of sparkles.


kanben t1_itzkodg wrote

Reminds me of Robot Unicorn Attack


MostCredibleDude t1_itzkpnn wrote

Don't let your dreams about dreams be dreams! Dream the dreams you dream about dreaming!


omgbigshot t1_itzl7mt wrote

Some Lisa Frank bullshit over here.


Procyonid t1_itzrldb wrote

You wish your dreams looked line a Lisa Frank folder?


mrclang t1_itzy14z wrote

Keep Dreaming kid


El_Heisenberg t1_iu0067i wrote

It's called mescaline man. It's the only way to fly.


SketchyTone t1_iu018d8 wrote

My reoccurring dream is me riding a T-Rex, been having it for the past 20 years and it's a good night sleep everytime it pops up.


Redbear78 t1_iu02cul wrote

You'd either get bored of it or the contrast would make waking life too depressing.


Jackal000 t1_iu09acw wrote

Learn to lucid dream and become oneiros.


Dorlinos t1_iu0d8tb wrote

Meth and vr goggles could make that dream come true!


Nekrostatic t1_iu0rqay wrote

But fr how can I save this as a gift? Lol


Neohexane t1_iu117g9 wrote

Yeah, my dreams just look like my old high school, and I spend the whole dream trying to find what class I'm supposed to be in.

I graduated 20 years ago...


mushine7 t1_iu1bgh8 wrote

I keep having reoccurring dreams about a spider-rat that’s fast and aggressive.


oOoChromeoOo t1_iu1kmd2 wrote

Try magic mushrooms and you’ll see that when you are awake.


freshouttasesh t1_iu1qt3j wrote

And my dreams are just horrid nightmares, I’m used to it:)


AnieMoose t1_iu1rtn3 wrote

Same. Or I can’t remember my schedule or locker combo...

I can’t even guess at how much of what drug I’d have to take to get sparkly dreams. Even my dreams that actually have a unicorn in them are dark.


TSARINA59 t1_iu34r8t wrote

My dreams do look like that at times. My wish is that my reality looked like that, at times. OP It is beautiful. Thank you for sharing it. I love it and you brightened my night.